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  1. Zethyl


    Born near the Timberwoods River to a middle class family, Victor was from a young age fascinated with stories told by his grandparents of battles witnessed and mass-murders. The owner of the company whom his family worked for was killed by thieves. The company fell into disarray and his family was jobless. Victor has a younger brother who was very full of himself and got into a lot of trouble when following in his brothers footsteps. Victor and his brother seeking trouble during their free time would go into neighboring cities and steal valuable items and sell them to a buyer in far away cities to stay afloat financially. Training to one day become a great fighter Victor would often get into duels after causing trouble with civilians and would often win until being forced to become an outcast after multiple bounties being put on his head. In order to protect his family he gave all his kept stolen items, money and all possessions to his family and continues to roam the land seeking a kingdom to fight for and becoming a great warrior like his grandfather spoke of.
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