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Everything posted by Smoghorn

  1. Smoghorn


    Gwindor Pyriadi was born in the year of 1580 in Axios. His birth was at the time of Finnadh's leadership and the ensuing coup d'etat. As a child, Gwindor was fearful of the powers that were and the future of his people. As taught from a young age, he thought himself superior to other elves and routinely exemplified that among his peers. Because of the time's uncertainty surrounding his upbringing, Gwindor grew to be a fiercely patriotic and proactive elf. He believed that if he followed the Maer'sae Hiylun'ehya enough, he could help safeguard a better future for his people. Because of this, he spent much of his younger and budding adult years within the Eternal Library of Haelun'or. He studied, learned, and prepared for himself to be a scholar in the name of Haelun'or. Following the move to Atlas, Gwindor was lost from his people at sea. During the storm that cast him away, he lost his verification. Arriving to Haelun'or much later, he hopes to regain his citizenship and go into good standing with his fellow High Elves in the new city in Atlas.
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