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Jake Citraven

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  1. Jake Citraven


    I added a little more things hehe
  2. Jake Citraven


    Oh, so if you guys accept this, I can enter the server Oh, so that's why my profile didn't load in Minecraft
  3. Jake Citraven


    When he was 10 a group of bandits attacked his little village of Dark Elves. All the people died, also his parents. He managed to survive by getting in the stables with his horse. When he was 15, an orch attacked him thinking of him as dinner, he defended with little dagger he bought in a city by a low price, the orch scrachted him on the chest leaving him a scar. Hardly, he survived by stabbing the orch's eye and escaping. Since his village was distroyed, he has been training to be an archer and perfectioning the ability of the sword and the hand-to-hand, and also he wants to master the ability of the ancient tale in his town, the dark magic, the great necromancy, the powerof the life-energy. And with that, he's looking for revenge his town...
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