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Everything posted by TheManJam

  1. TheManJam


    Born in the lands of Haelun'or, Scaric was his parents only child due to the curse if infertility. His mother was part of the Maehr'sae, a professor at the Haelun'or College. His father was a guard of the college where the two of them meet. As a young elf, he delved in art and literature; watching mages of the archaic magic with interest. He completed his degree at Haelun'or College and started an apprenticeship with his mother; with his ultimate goal being a teacher. His found a passion for math, it's logical nature something that Scaric found interesting. However, during an altercation at the college both his mother and father were killed; leaving Sacaric without a family. His parents had what were described as impure thoughts, and were members of a radical faction of high-elfs that used their power as college professions to slowly change the youth's perception of race and purity. As the administration realized what was happening, all members of the factions were arrested; his parents attempted to fight and were killed. After being banished from the city due to his parent's ideals, Scaric let their deaths be an example, leading him to a wish to study combat, so he won't ever be as defenseless as his parents. He now travels the lands, trying to find a cause to align himself with; living a simple and quiet life.
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