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Aewyn Rydel

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  1. Aewyn Rydel


    Keldan Rydel posted a bio that connects to mine if you want to read it too. It was already accepted. Also, Camus Rydel will be posting their app later on.
  2. Aewyn Rydel


    Aewyn was born in a large wood elf community in a relatively secluded forest. She was known early on for her compassionate nature and her stunning lack of prowess with a bow and arrow. Growing up with her seed she more often than not could be seen with her two "brothers" Keldan and Camus. Aewyn was raised with them and learned many things from them, and they learned from her as well. In the young elleth's early days she would begin training in swordsmanship. Aewyn wanted nothing more than to adventure to far away places and meet new people, However fate would seem to want her to stay with her seed. Time marched on and Aewyn was developing into a beautiful elleth and a wonderful person. Aewyn wanted to explore but she wouldn't ever want to leave her home. Until the decision was pulled from her hands. Keldan and Camus returned from a hunt one night telling the seed of their disturbing find. An orc body laying dead in their forest. It was as if a great shadow had fallen upon the community, fear had sunk into the seed. It was clear they had but one option they would have to pack up everything and move from their forest with great haste. Collecting every piece of home they could carry with them they set out for a new place to call home. On the road they came across an elf named Elrohirin headed for his homeland. It was a place of beautiful forest's and large montains, he was returning home after visiting the Dominion of Malin. As the group went on their way, some of them thought back to what Elrohirin said about his home and decided to journey after him, Keldan spoke of his desire to see Dominion and Aewyn along with Camus felt it was the right decision. With a tearful farewell to her seed Aewyn and her siblings started out for Dominion.
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