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  1. ForYourBlood


    Josef Pajeski was born in the town of Belvitz on the Whispering Crossroads. By trade, his family were merchants. They frequently traveled up and down the Baltas River, peddling goods from one end of Axios to another. As a child, he loved the trade, and knew ahead of time that he’d take after his parents. However, while their vessel was en route to the Kingdom of Santegia - they were intercepted by a ship bearing blank sails. The swift vessel caught up to the trading ship on the open seas, and came aboard, killing any who put up resistance. It was unclear which nation they’d hailed from, though the ‘pirates’ spoke in Botch Raevir speech. The pirates plundered the riches from the ship’s hold, and forced impressment upon all the aboard his ship. Amongst the men force conscripted his father, who was dragged by chains onto the the pirate’s vessel. Josef desperately cried out to him, running across the deck. However, he was then rendered unconscious when a pirate bashed him in the side of the head. When he awoke, he lay on the ship by himself. Everyone was gone as the waves rocked the boat on the blue waters. He had nothing. No Mina. No family. Just a ransacked ship. He returned to town devastated, going to tell the tale to all that would hear. Josef became increasingly vocal, uttering how vile the pirate scum were and how they had to be dealt with. But, he was just an adolescent. What could he possibly do? He sobbed for hours, and knew that it would be impossible for him to get his mother and father back. He became a frequent visitor at the Mother’s Breast Tavern, drank his sorrows away. One night, all drunken up, he was struck with a revelation. Instead of wasting away, he’d do what he knew best. To make money. He had learned the trade at a young age, and all the tips from his parents. He’d continue the family business and once again amass a substantial amount of wealth. And then, he would buy his family’s freedom.
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