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Lord Shadow

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About Lord Shadow

  • Birthday 11/30/1998

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    Lord Shadow#6820
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Lord Shadow
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  1. Lord Shadow


    Hello, I am Niraan of Trikru, a native tribe to Irrinor, I was sick of being stuck in our village, I had an urge to travel Atlas, i tried to make enough coin to buy supplies so i could sneak out, but i was just a Carver, I'd carve bows and little animals, As you can imagine, i barely got enough for a branch off a tree. When i was 40, My parents decided to let me go and explore the world, I stayed in the forests' but still just didn't feel right, After traveling the entire Dominion, I went back to my village, to find it aflame , Everyone was being strung up and stabbed over and over, I ran straight to my stash of supplies under a rock behind our hut, and shot what seemed to be the leader, But i missed and shot the shop that looked like the gates to hell opening up and engulfing my village in flame, I ran straight out of the Dominion, crying, thinking of my family, i ran for the nearest forest and hoped they weren't behind me....
  2. Lord Shadow


    My name is Shadow, from the clan Skaikru, The child of Skylar, Commander of the 13 clans of my homeworld, Hunter of Pauna, Natblida, or Nightblood in english, I escaped to Atlas from an inter-dimensional rift, i left because i'm being hunted by my realm, They call me Wanheda, The Commander of Death, Mountain Slayer, a creature of war, When i was a child i was a scavenger or thief, I'd pretend to be dead in the road, while others on their way to market would try and take my stuff my sister would jump out and pierce the life artery, We were warriors trained from childhood, On night i was taken in my sleep, The clan Trikru discovered my secret, I was Natblida (Nightblood), They made me train, then one day sent me to kill Queen Nia of Ice Nation, I was caught and tortured, they cut out my eye, and threw me down with the Reapers, Men who were monsters, the strongest fighters on Groundias (My home world) They took me in and cared for me, As long as i killed anything that was in my way, When i was 16 a war between Trikru and Skaikru spiked, An army of 300 strong stormed their home, Trikru were massacring Skaikru, I couldn't let them kill my family, So i burned 300 Grounders alive using a chemical know as Hydrazine, A year later a war with The Mountain Men burst out into combat, and i killed 382 innocent people, They lived in a mountain fortress, Even a little radiation would poison them, kill them, I reversed their air filters and let radiation flow in. 3 months later, i was being hunted by 12 clans and i travelled to Atlas, still hiding from my home.
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