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  • Character Name
    Elyon Brygeiros
  • Character Race
    Dark elf

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  1. jamesrocks123


    Elyon Brygeiros was born in the city Leyu'celia. He grew up without any parents and was homeless until the age of 15 , when his friend's family took him in and raised him as their own. His jobs as a teenager was a blacksmith. He used to make weapons for the combat soldiers and is pretty good at it too. Now he is in the end of his training to become a elf combat soldier. So far he has mastered the art of hiding and is still working on mastering martial arts and the art of melee and archery. As the lore states "Dark elves wear jewelry to denote their accomplishments and expressions", Elyon wears full iced out (with diamonds) 24k gold coated chains to express his love for blacksmithing because he was also very good at making jewelry. So far in his life he is chasing the career of being a combat soldier and is in his last couple of months of training and is about to be assigned a role in combat. He also doesn't worship his parents because he didn't know them and didn't have a name til he was rescued by his friends family. But instead he worships his friends family's ancestors.
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