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  1. AlisdairJames


    Alistair is a 27 year old Highlander. In this relatively short life, it is worth noting that nothing much of importance or great tragedy has happened. He was born in a no-name hovel owned by his small family. His father, who was a amateur artisan who made regular trips to the Duchy of Ruska, would routinely bring things back that interested him. He brought back many things which Alistair would simply stare and gawk at for hours. Alistair at an early age, took an interest in magic, specifically Artificery. When he grew old enough to become independent, he set out to find someone who could teach him in this art. Years of wandering have produced nothing. Maybe it was his abrasive personality, or strange, morbid sense of humor, but he could find no one. This has greatly frustrated him over time, and he has grown quite jaded, further souring his mood to people in general. Until he finds someone who can teach him magic - he would really like Artificery, but at this point, he would accept any kind of magic - this attitude and bleak outlook will likely continue.
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