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Everything posted by _KrispyCrams_

  1. _KrispyCrams_


    Personality and half'ly the backstory She's stubborn, sly and harsh yet oddly she's very open about herself and the past events of her life...Well when she wishes to talk about various events. But there's more than meets the eye. She's self disciplined but often get's very bored of doing the same thing over and over again when it has the same pattern, making her a little restless at times. She honestly dislikes being alone due to the past events but she's learned to cope with most things. Tsarina is straight-forward yet not more than she is loyal. Her worry towards objects, people and situation are a little excessive. Overall Tsarina is merciful, In a fight or no fight..Unlike some people in the gruesome world she has morals. ------- She was born in the owned land of the Renatus Kingdom as half a druid and half of a human and grew up in an ordinary poor family in a large village not far from the castle. Her father was a merchant and her mother a simple stay at home wife, as for her brothers they assisted her father. She lived comfortably until she was about 15 years old, but at that point things changed. When traveling through Serpent Woods to get to another Kingdom to exchange/trade with that Kingdom, TSarina and her family were ambushed by a gang of bandits, since her father could not risk to lose the cart due to being poor. After a heated argument and after her father won that qurrel he was shot in the back with a bow an arrow later to have his life ended. Her mother and brothers were also killed. She lost most of her family that day though only having one of her three brothers survive yet she does not know where he may be now since he flee'd after hiding Tsarina in a hallow tree log. Her former lover was killed before her eyes by a man wearing symbol his chest plate, A hawk striking down a hare. After traveling around starting at the age of 17 she found out the man who had killed her loved ones, Markus Barron' Caster. With a new found friend, a male sparrow called Hagan who she met later in Serpant Woods after having to live/survive after that event. But with her intrepidness and talents, she managed to survive everything and crush all that's in the way...Well...Mostly everything. This has turned her into the woman she is today. She now works small jobs with low pay to keep her afloat. By doing so, she hopes to find safety and happiness and finally find peace of mind she has never had but at the same time she begs for an adventure and vengeance to the man who killed her loved ones. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance Purple, sleek long wavy hair that's slightly clumsily hangs over a furrowed, lively face, Which also reveals heavy violet eyes, set elegantly within their sockets, watching dreadfully over the forest they've fought for to protect their now departed loved ones. A sword left a mark reaching from the top of the left cheek, running towards the eye but stopping before making direct contact and ending on her cheek bones leaves an intriguing memory of a great reputation as well as great sorrow. Tribal marks in the form of 2 stripes under her left eye marks her heritage but, more importantly leaves a lasting burden of her former love. The is the face of Tsarina Fletcher, a true fortune-teller along with a daredevil and a damn fighter when it comes to shooting with a bow among the half of her race, the druids, when needing to. She stands alluringly among others, despite her scraggy frame. There's something mystifying yet more alluring about her, perhaps it's her sense of comradely or perhaps it's simply her humility. But nonetheless, people tend to take pride in knowing her, while spreading small rumors about her behind her back that are either gracious or horrid. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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