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    Wood Elf
  1. DaAphmau


    I was born in Southwest Laurelin. Every since I was able to walk, I've climbed trees. In my home I keep watch for intruders since my agility makes me the fastest resident. I am often sent out on missions to collect resources, and I often stop and watch the humans as I travel. I dream of marrying one someday since I find them so fascinating. But that dream will never become true, since its against my culture to marry a human. A day in Atlas is always different. Sometimes we get bandits, or thieves, or evil drakes and dragons. One time, some bandits burned down my town. I became an orphan when I was 9 in a fire. Then I was adopted by my neighbors who taught me how to make my first bow. Now, they are like a second pair of parents to me. Some say that the fire was not on accident, but on purpose to make a sacrifice to Ceronunnos. As I rp, I will be exploring to find the truth about my parents.
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