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Everything posted by SteelStrider

  1. SteelStrider


    Varis was raised in the barracks, rather than at home. His father was a lower leader of the local militia and brought his son with him to work. Varis barely saw his mother, but this turned him into the hardened man he is today. His father was borderline abusive, forcing him to work out with the adults since he learned how to stand. He had a sword thrust into his arms before he knew how to speak. life was work and work was life. He abandoned his blade after enough time however, around the age of twenty he found his true talent, hand to hand combat. He went undefeated against the full grown men in his barracks, and soon adopted his signature weapon, the brass knuckles. He was fast on his feet and was a devastating opponent. Varis left the barracks after coming of age, he had grown tired of his life in the north. He dawned a faded cloak and his pack before beginning his travel south. He lingered in cities, helped were he could, but always moved on to the next town. He had become akin to a folk hero in the northern, more isolated parts of Dominion. He fought off crooks and had a very strong sense of right and wrong, he saw it as his own personal duty to rid these communities of their troubles. He spent years on the road before finally settling in Holm. It was the largest city he had seen by far and he decided that is where he'd like to make a name for himself
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