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Everything posted by Zeta

  1. Zeta


    Added missing information!
  2. Zeta


    Her name is Zeta, was, and will always be. Going by many different names, nicknames, and "faces", and originally, and still is located in the Kingdom of Marna. "Hey! Where was that apple I put there?!", "Three gold coins disappeared out of this lady purse!" and "Wait, where is my scroll?!" are a common phrases being said while she is in the area, for some reason.. It seems like a thief follows her around, or at least that what she says.. She might be the thief herself, who knows? Living off of stolen goods, and bads, this is the life of a thief, and she have been living it like that ever since being expelled, fired, and thrown out from every respectable workplace, it's not her fault she is really good at stealing and lying, right? However, stealing and lying isn't the only thing she's good at, apparently, she's also a very pretty woman, or so it is said by those who actually see her stalking on them, or sneaking up on, if they're lucky enough, of course. Silky blonde hair, green eyes, soft and gentle face, slim body, and very well endowed over all.. Overall, she is not the richest, but she never wanted to be anyways. She just love life as it is. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
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