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Everything posted by GhostyPlayzYT

  1. GhostyPlayzYT


    I guess its considered to be cheating or maybe like a lust or gain of power?
  2. GhostyPlayzYT


    like I know the word but I cant think of it xD
  3. GhostyPlayzYT


    Its considered to be I godmodding? to an extent?
  4. GhostyPlayzYT


    Your forcing it on another player/multiple players and you are trying to achieve the highest point or level in the game,trying to be the best as fast as your can without working for it
  5. GhostyPlayzYT


    Your forcing something that isn't realistic or able to do in real life,just because its a game,dosent mean it has to be over the top,it needs to be realistic or Real almost? if that makes sense
  6. GhostyPlayzYT


    yeah,forcing another play to "die" or be easily killed without a story of how he died or without even a fight
  7. GhostyPlayzYT


    it dosent show my full definition but bassicly what im saying is he should not roleplay as a very strong player if hes new to it,he needs to roleplay at the level and experience his character is at at the start,example *New player and older player fights* *Newplayer:Stabs him in the heart killing him with one hit* but what he should do is *Thrusts sword aiming for his heart* hope that clarifies what did not show
  8. GhostyPlayzYT


    Okay I finished the powergaming one,hows it now?
  9. GhostyPlayzYT


    I tried my best?..hows this?
  10. GhostyPlayzYT


    I hope this is a bit better
  11. GhostyPlayzYT


    His Name Is Callon Elrohir,Born In the outskirts of the dominion of malin living close to Valleinor ,after he was born orcs and other vile creatures attacked his home,his father and mother leaving him to alive with the Eagles,always wondering what happened that night,not knowing if his parents are alive or dead,Learning many skills from the eagles,,He hates orcs and anything that trys to hurt him or anyone he cares for,even if its very few,he resents his parents for leaving him,even if it was for the best,he dosent like magic nor does he ever want to use it,he isn't religious whatsoever only believing in what he see's,sometimes not even believing that,He isn't too friendly to dwarfs but respects them only knowing what he was taught by the eagles and what he taught himselfs,he only truly believes one thing,and that's he will find his parents,dead or alive
  12. GhostyPlayzYT


    He does not know who his parents are or even if they are alive,only knowing that his father was elven and his mother was man,he grew up with the great eagles,learning from them and what they do,he soon left them to find himself and more about his parents and what had happened to them,if they are alive or dead
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