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Posts posted by man

  1. MC Name: Tostronkforu

    Character's Name: Li-Wǔshù

    Character's Age: 20


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Hou-Zi (Fei-Zu)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The daemon Metzli roamed around the earth looking for a creature to enlighten. She did this for 7 years until she found a large group of monkeys which inhabited a unnamed jungle. She liked them, they where intelligent and generally fit her needs. She, after spending a little time around these creatures quickly found the alpa of the group. She awakened his mind, making him aware of the world around him, further and past. 

     This formed the first Hou-Zi known as Hou-Shen, the monkey King, later worshipped as the godking of his kind. This knowledge is now a Religion practiced by the Hou-Zi, as it is believed that Metzli formed the Monkey King with excellence and sentinence so that his offspring may live up to the expectations of her. Second to the godking were his sons  Hou Da, Hou-Xiao and Hou-Wang, each resembling one of the three subraces of the Hou-Zi. His sons have also departed from their mortal existence and aid their ancestors with wisdom and blessings in response to their prayers. The other Religion the Hou-Zi follow is the Hua-Jiao, The Path to Enlightenment, this religion stands close to the worship of the godking, as time has caused the religions to closer and ultimately creating a thin line between these two. The Path to Enlightenment originated from a prophet who brought fourth truth to the lower-class people living in the growing empire the race had built. These truths speak of the nature of life. Houalian, a Fei-Zhu stemming from a luxurios home had to abadon everything, being the first Hou-Zi to wander this path. Trough intensive meditation and fasting Houalian obtained his enlightenment and was the source of a religion that is today practiced by most Hou-Zi and prominently Monks. This worsphip gave many Hou-Zi hope, which led to many taking the Eightfold Way towards true enlightenment. 

    Upon this fundament of religion the Hou-Zi build a whole empire which lasted trough many centuries which started with the great conquest and the war of the Hou-Zi against the Elves. As the Hou-Zi managed a succesful conquest they once again flourished in a period of peace. Soon after ultimate demise would fall upon the brave Godking who led the wars, legends are told of his downfall, mostly due to the elves, but also of a unknown deity that made quick work of the crippled forces of the grand empire the Hou-Zi once established. The Hou-Zi fled deep into the jungle as there was no place left for them, as their leader was not in sight. Yet, the prayers of the Hou-Zi were heard and the immortal Spirit of Hou-Shen returned to once again raise the Hou-Zi to what was once a powerful empire. In this time many weapons of their culture were developed, such as the dragon cannons... But the Hou-Zi were once again defeated with no sign of their immortal leader returning, leaving his Kin to likely never rise again.

    Sha Qi, a Hei-Zhu with raven-black fur is standing upright and taller than most of the descendants. The Culture of his is truly that of the Hei-Zhu, with him worshipping Hou-Da aiming to achieve excellence in both mental and physical abilities and providing stability to his fellow kin, as a bodyguard, soldier or even the taming of beasts. The Hei-Zhu also have the longest lifespan of their kin.


    This translate to common tribe, these people are in the lower parts of society. They have jobs such as farmer, fisherman and merchants. As they are the lowest ranking within the Hou-Zi society they are often subject to oppression. Although they are regarded as the lowest of Hou-Zi they are well rounded being able to take on virtually every job, and are the most capable in becoming  a chi bender, but they are less likely of becoming masters of their respective paths such as Fei-Zhu or Hei-Zhu may in their respective paths. 



    These Hou-Zi are often regarded as the most beautiful of all Hou-Zi sub races, because of their colorful fur and slender but nimble appearance. In the old kingdom they held high ranks such as politician or courtiers. They have the highest ranking within the Hou-Zi society, they are also a rare species within the Hou-Zi being extremely underpopulated compared to the other races. Within combat they focus on their speed, not having high strength. 



    The Hei-Zhu are the largest sub race within the Hou-Zi society. They resemble large gorilla like apes, their fur color consist of shades of black. The Hei-Zhu are by far the most physically gifted in all sub-races. As they use their height and thickness to their advantage making them the strongest race. They usually server their race within the military jobs ranging from soldier to commander. Hei-Zhu are historically led by a Tóumù, a chieftain. Their society heavily emphasizes constant improvement of one’s physical and mental fortitude. Soft professions like the fine arts of the Fei-Zhu are considered unworthy to them, and instead they focus on hard labour, heavy lifting.



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