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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Isaac Vhey
  • Character Race
  1. Mardoelito


    i rechanged it
  2. Mardoelito


    Isaac Vhey has always been a sweet boy. He is the son of Thanatos and Rhealynn Vhey, living in Pembrokeshire, a town under Renatus - Marna. His family was always a happy one, they enjoyed each other's presence dearly. Isaac is skilled in the craft of fighting, giving him good advantages in any rough housing he may encounter. Behind that fighting shell, he is a kind and intelligent young man. He excels in anything to do with music, very much like his mother. He has the strive to accomplish any goals that comes to mind, even ones that seems impossible. From his father, he inherited the hobby of collecting. His hobby started back as a child, collecting leaves, but has grown into anything that seems interesting or unique. Over the years, Isaac started to believe in the four brothers. He would collect these items in hopes to please them, so that they would show up in the night sky more often. The constellations were his motivation, and continue to be as he grows up in Pembrokeshire.
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