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Everything posted by wigmar111

  1. wigmar111


    Wigmar was born in 1649. He was born into a humble and poor family in the city of Norland. His parents were almost always fighting when he was young. Wigmar's father, Vacralm was a religious explorer and he was almost never home. Wigmar's mother was a loving young woman. His mother was always home cooking or cleaning up the house. She also had a great impact on growing Wigmar up, as she told him many important things. Wigmar had many friends when he was young. Until he turned 14, everything went great. But then his parents fought for the last time, and Wigmar decided to run away. He had seen enough. Wigmar was 14 when he decided to run away from his home. Wigmar took everything he had and then ran out to the woods. Since then, he has never seen his parents again and has wandered the woods near Norland. Wigmar has a couple of good friends, and holds tight on them. Wigmar is now looking up to start new life in the hometown of his. He moved in to the city of Norland. He started to looking for a job and place to live. He began his journey and walked into Norland.
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