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    Wood Elf

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  1. Mea


    I was born 50 years ago in Linandria. My mother was a wood elf. She was very devout in the way of aspectism and believed until the end of her days that harmony of the woods and the old ways were the most important thing. She died a few years ago and I was left to tend a bookstore to make my way in the world. I would like to say that I am content with this life, but alas I feel frustrated that day to day life in the bookstore is quite mundane. I am not sure that this is the path that I am supposed to follow. I haven't seen much of the world. I have traveled to Caras Eldar only a handful of times, always in tow of my mother. I glimpsed people and things there that have made me curious about the greater world and its inhabitants. It would have been nice to have known my father, but my mother rarely spoke of him and while she often said that she would explain to me when I was old enough to understand, this wasn't meant to be because she died an untimely death. In her possessions, I found a letter from my father reminding her that with my upcoming 50th birthday that I would need to come to him as per their agreement because he was NOT going to have any child of his being raised ignorant in the forest. It was a short note and signed only with the letter D and that it was written in the city of Vallenoir. I have very little to go on, but it did start me to thinking about my path in the world and where I should be and what ELSE might be out there for me. I have decided to seek out my father and this unknown side of my family. I hesitate because I do love our home which springs to life from the ground itself. The twisting wood of my windowsill is worn smooth from years of looking out at the bustle of the city below. I should not hesitate too long or I will possibly lose my nerve. His letter suggests that I have many things to learn and perhaps he will teach me. I do not know how I will make my way in the world, but I hope to find my path.
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