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Posts posted by gamer124

  1. In a far away, foreign land, the greying Ser Robert Denhardt sheds a tear for his fellow Waldenian ubermensch. “To die a martyr is the ultimate honor. Rest well in the Seven Skies, comrade....” he says, before slurping some watermelon juice under an umbrella

  2. after being scarred by the deaths of his humorous comrades at the hands of yury’s retinue, cato gave a long winded sigh upon hearing the news of the very same man gutting a priest for seemingly no reason at all. “ve shall prevail, und spread ze humor of ze lord of laughter across zis continent. for ze act is long, und full of laughter.”

  3. Goodbye posts are sort of retarded but w/e


    I’ve been considering quitting for a while. Server isn’t as fun as it used to be. I used to enjoy the server for both RP and raiding/pvp, but roleplay has been stale for a while and the group I’m with just win constantly lol


    Thx to those who made it fun while I played here


    Probably won’t be back, want to move on with my life. I’ll still be on discord for a couple more days but might delete that too



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