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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Peritus Perfide
  • Character Race
  1. Pyro_Monster


    When Peritus was just a small boy born in the Dominion of Malin he found a bow and arrow. His parents were pacifists and were very against his use of the weapon. He would sneak out of his parents watchful gaze and practice archery and combat with a wise old Elf. He did this for half a decade, until his parents discovered this. They became so furious he was cast out by his parents, and told that he was never to be seen around there again. This deeply hurt Peritus and so he left the Elvin region all together and now dwells on the outskirts as a hermit away from all the societies that he hates or hates him. He makes his living through mercenary work, but only works alone and never for free.
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