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    Dark Elf

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  1. FuchsiaGaming


    Anna Flamehart comes from a family of five, two girls and one boy. She was born in the year 1625, all were born in Willow Hollow. When she was a young Halfling her family believed in Billy Bob, the Potato Lord. The parents of Anna have very similar traits that Anna carries with her, she loves animals and farming. In fact Anna and her two siblings grew up on a farm. This makes her great at taking care of animals and crops. She loves to build things, like that one time she build a toy train for her brother. Now she loves adventuring and hiking. One day she wants to learn magic, and she wants to live in a village of Halflings like herself. She would love to one day be a veterinarian so she can help all the pets in need. But her parents were in a war, they unfortunately didn't make it, and she was separated from her siblings, now all she has is hope.
  2. FuchsiaGaming


    This is me, at the time I did not have an account, if you want to contact me, you can comment on this and I can give you my email.
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