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About chubbygab

  • Birthday March 15

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  1. chubbygab


    Alexandra Hollis grew up in Belvitz, with her loving parents Joe Hollis and Lillian Hollis. The Hollis family was never rich but fought for giving their only child a great education, but failing for Alexandra had no care in becoming the next great scholar she cared for gardening and going on adventures with her best friend Louis Finely. Later down in her life age 17 Alexandra had realized that Louis was seeming to look more to her than a best friend, bringing up the courage to ask him to be hers he said yes, and so the blooming love of the two youngsters began. At age 18, Louis had asked for her hand in marriage, she was overzealous saying yes immediately her parents were just as happy as she was, for they thought of Louis as their son-in-law already. Preparations of the wedding begun but on her 19th birthday just a few weeks before her and Louis's wedding he had gone missing...Alexandra searched and searched but couldn't find Louis or any clue to his disappearance . Her parents did everything in their power to make the girl cheer up but nothing worked and she fell into a deep depression. She had soon realized that sitting around and moping won’t help her find her love so she packed her things said her goodbyes and went on her way to find Louis her true love, her everything, her world. An so that’s where our story begins.
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