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Everything posted by Qohor

  1. Qohor


    On its 19th day in 1383, the “Deep Cold” truly set in. A blizzard bore down on the silver spires of Haelun’or, its gales assailing the outer walls, and its snows concealing the magical luminescence of the city. Within the haven of one particular turret, the uncommon cry of an infant elf resonated. With a head of platinum blonde hair, and a set of viridian eyes, Seleucus was born into the clan Arthanc. His parents, Eirene and Irenaeus were infamous for their liberal opinions on racial relations between High Elves and lessers. As such, they decided that the best course of action with regards to raising a rare Elven child would be to allow it to grow in an accepting and diverse environment in Normandor. By the time he became an adult, Seleucus was displeased with having been torn from his motherland at such an early age. He realized that he had missed out on a comprehensive arcane education as well as an unparalleled culture anywhere else in the world. Consequently, upon his ascension to 50 years of age, Seleucus immediately returned to Haelun’or to be with his kind. However, his first 200 years there were marked by silence rather than participation, and he was nearly invisible to the other citizens. Seleucus had a sense of insecurity about his liberal upbringing, and he preferred to learn from a distance, and behind the cover of a book, about how his fellow High Elves operated. Only recently, in the realm of Atlas has Seleucus come out of his shell, satisfied with his two century catch-up to his peers, and he plans on finally moving forward.
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