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  • Character Name
    Stahl Arhk
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  1. CNMashin


    Thx Done!
  2. CNMashin


    I added detail to the powergaming and metagaming, but I don't know of any deserts in the lore
  3. CNMashin


    Stahl comes from the southern deserts close to the orcs, Krugmar, which can easily explain his clothes. He had an older brother, who he only knew for a couple years before his brother left. Stahl never saw his brother again, only hearing of him from time to time. Eventually, he got old enough to leave his parents' home and his village. During the years of him growing up, he had learned the art of swordplay, particularly how to dual wield different swords, albeit none larger than a medium-sized sword. He also learned of the violent orcs, commonly sneaking through towns like Sanhar to get the supplies he needed. Stahl traveled the lands, attempting to find some sort of true purpose or job. He had not even been away from his home for a year before he got word that his village had been raided. Quickly, he raced back to find his village in tatters, with buildings destroyed, and cattle and people slashed open along the ground. He found the body of his mother, but his father was nowhere to be seen, alive or dead. It took days, but Stahl buried his mother and many other people that he knew. After, he mounted back on his horse, and returned to journeying throughout the lands to find a purpose for himself, as well as now trying to find his brother.
  4. CNMashin


    Alright, it's fine, I'll change what I have to change
  5. CNMashin


    Is there a way to edit it here or do I have to resubmit it?
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