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Everything posted by MunchinBacon

  1. MunchinBacon


    Ashimar was born in Talar'ikur with two parents (well duh). His mother was a teacher for music, and his father seemingly did nothing very important. His father was secretly an assassin and bounty hunter, and from time to time he would get his son to do his dirty work for him. This led to quite a lot of bad situations involving Ashimar running quite a lot. As he became older and older, his father was making him do more and more of his work. One day, his father went out for a couple of nights for a high paying job, and Ashimar never heard back from him. Despite him forcing Ashimar to do his work, he was rather fond of his father, and was always hoping he would come back some day. He went on living with his mother, thinking of how he could save his father, wherever he was. When he reached adulthood, he left his mother and the city behind, and searched around the area for anyone that had seen his father, but to no avail. He eventually gave up, and took up his father's occupation of bounty hunting, and sometimes, assassination. This caught the attention of a wealthy High Elf, who took Ashimar in. He was about turning 52 now, and after 5 years with the High Elf, he discovered it was the same man who had given his father the job. When he confronted him about this, he tried to kill Ashimar, but he managed to escape with bad injuries. Afterwards, he went back to the life of bounty hunting, and has done that to this day.
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