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  1. Blocksterp


    this time I think I got it
  2. Blocksterp


    I believe I have met the terms of this pending
  3. Blocksterp


    As a brother of Argo Broodstorm I left home with him headed for the legendary continent of Atlas were there was money to be made lives to be lived and stories to be told. I was forced to stay under the deck where Argo could not find me and being forced to eat what I could find to make sure that Argo never found me and never got suspicious that I was there. Once we hit something I had gone mentally ill from seeing the same things over and over again every day but I quickly regained hope I did not leave until he had started on his way to haense I went the other direction to what I believed was the north to build a small shelter near a town I ventured many a week trying to find a town where I could get a job, but there were none to be had so I followed the way to a cloud temple where I felt all but bad like a new breath had restored me so I decided it was time to find a new place to stay called Curon where I did not feel was right for me but there he could live. One day I heard of my brother tradeing company and how he was leaveing to become a full time traveler and wander so I hesitated before joining him on his quest but I heard that he was building himself up again he had made a home not to north but still there so I decide to join him
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