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  1. JUSA


    Silverbreeze has been abandoned since he was young. As long as he can remember he's lived among the fires of the Burztorgo Firelands scrounging for food and making due with what he had. He's always been a warrior often finding he kills first, asks questions later. This has made him difficult to approach and more challenged in his social skills. He hates traversing into populated areas, however since the humans sought out his lands in search of fuel for their mighty forges, he has developed an animosity towards humans that is unchallenged. He often finds himself stalking lost travelers throughout the wilderness pouncing upon them like a lion stalks his prey. Several nations have tried to recruit him to aid them in their war struggles, and one day maybe one will convince him, but for the time being he traverses alone throughout the rocks and lava as he tries to discover the meaning for his seemingly pointless life.
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