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Everything posted by Bear_Bear_

  1. Bear_Bear_


    1651. It's dark in the forest floor of Elandriel, a baby is born into a world with a mother and a older brother. Ehierir did not have a lot of cousins or relatives, seeing as many of them died in the Malinorian Crusades by the Order of the White Rose. After a couple years, Ehierir is finally allowed to see other children. Her mother prays to Cerridwen that the children will accept Ehierir, seeing as her eyes are "Different" than what other Wood Elf children see. Sadly, Ehierir never ended up making friends, and Wood Elves told they're children to steer away from Ehierir because of her eyes. Her mother also wanted Ehierir to get a Nor'ehya seed like her own, seeing as at a young age her mother took her and her brother out to hunt sharks, her brother ended up getting one to continue the families origin seed, and was going to move near water to hunt the sea creatures with boats. Ehierir did not want a seed, she wanted to be her own person, making her mother upset. Due to the bad experiences with people it caused her to be very distant from others, but luckily, a different group of people came into her life. Halflings. They accepted her, and this is how she developed a bit of a drinking habit even at her young age. At home, Ehierir had a close bond with her brother. She became more of a tomboy, tough, and wanted to learn how to bow, but her brother said it was a bit dangerous and wanted to protect her, she never learned. Though her brother did spark and light the natural crave for adventure in her. She constantly wanted to go somewhere, climb something, and get into trouble. They nearly spend everyday together, mostly at night, because it was Ehierir favorite time to go and adventure. Her brother nick-named her Moon, because she'd spend hours looking at it's beauty outside they're home, seeing as in Elandriel the trees covered it. Predictably, her brother ended up catching a disease. She spend everyone moment by his side, despite her mother's order to not look at him in his state, she was there the moment he died, seeing her best friend pass in front of her, it caused a her to become apathetic, and only show emotions when she pleases. Out of anger, she ended up chopping most of her hair off, causing it to be shorter than her neck. Soon after her brothers death, by the age of fifteen her mother had died too, she was alone. She took up the nick-name Moon after her brother for humans to understand. Moving away from her depressing home, she took on living the nomad life, hoping to find someone to enjoy it with in the future. Maybe even settle down with.
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