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Everything posted by Dragonlord_Xamon

  1. Philharmonic Orchestra (Guild): Musicians wanted! Please note the above is likely a placeholder name until a permanent one can be established. It has been quite a while since I played LoTC and I've been thinking of returning. I am looking to form an ensemble of professional and emerging musicians and vocalists (in-character) to perform on the streets, stationary or during marches or in the halls or church for dances, funeral masses, and other opportunities anywhere they may be found. Performances will, until further notice and with particular exceptions, be strictly of original composition and orchestration of my character’s or other Maestros within the ensemble. Instrumentations for performances may include but not limited to: - Natural Trumpets and Horns - Various traditional aerophones, chordophones and idiophones - Symbals - Violins, Violas, Cellos, Flutes, Oboes, etc Furthermore, we will also need a luthier (craftsperson) to craft in-game instruments. Your character can play any and any number of instruments. How it will look: We will often have a player represent a group or set type of instruments as having over 100 actual players isn’t realistic or feasible. Players will emote the performance in roleplay for the audience to see while a link to a video will be made available during the performance for the players and audience to listen to. When the Kapellmeister (principal conductor) isn’t around, I suppose minecraft note blocks are fine. In either case, players must emote any lyrics in-game. This method is realized with the ability and desire to think unconventionally and critically thereby overcoming the confines of the medium (in this case, minecraft) to achieve conceptual potential. (in this case, being able to listen to actual commercially viable music!) Mandatory Out-Of-Character Requirements: - Is respectful & considerate to others without regard to race, ethnicity, sex, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability/condition - Has an appreciation or reverance of classical music (This can include Western (genres of the medieval, baroque, classical, romantic, post-romantic eras), non-western, traditional folk, classical film scoring, contemporary) - Would consider one’s self to be compassionate, conscientious, and a transparent communicator of thought and emotion If this sounds like you, I will be glad to have you. Link to Join Discord (Discord is New): https://discord.gg/QjJVFyhtHj Contact me @ Xaemon#6987 - Xaemon Comment ONLY if interested (in joining or hiring us)
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