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Posts posted by Nn_Xavier_nN

  1. On 8/16/2020 at 8:20 PM, erik0821 said:

    PLAYER NAME: Nn_Xavier_nN

    Imperial State Army Enlistment Form

    Full Name (+MC Name): Saxe Forbes
    Age: 94

    Race: Adunian

    City of Residence (+Discord name): Xavier#5832


    Saxe does not have a genuine home in Arcas as of now.




  2. Argyle blinks as his lips curl inward, the well rolled cactus reefer drops its ash at the end of the joint as he moves his mouth, having it fall directly onto the parchment before it rolls onto the ground. He looks up from the paper and continues on with his day, knowing that this has nothing to do with him.

  3. Just now, ScoopsAhoy_ said:

    I'm not sure how I feel about this tbh

    If you're talking about the crow and bird video, it's because I didnt ever see any link of insightful feedback on anything that I was apart of. There was nothing that spoke to me, but this video did. It shown me how clever crows can be, and I admire them because of it.

  4. Minecraft Name



    Discord ID






    What staff team(s) are you applying for?

    • Moderation


    What skills can you apply in your role as Staff?

    I am incredibly good with people, and am able to have toxic players see eye to eye with me. The only skill that I would apply is my 20+ speechcraft. Well that and the fact that I am able to respond to toxicity, without becoming toxic myself.


    What is one thing you would want to change?

    I wish to change how all staff view toxic people. I understand that sometimes the toxic level gets out of hand, but I have seen plenty of staff mute, and ban just because they got a bit of toxic taste from players. When ever some one is toxic, there is always a reason. Big or small, there is a reason. I wish to fix issues that occurre, by looking into both sides of the problem, and to fix it however I may be able to.


    Link insightful feedback that speaks personally to you.


    Attach any relevant media or links you want to share. (Portfolio)


    I want to give a shout out to my boy Keening, and my other guy Askuzai. Also Ansigar. 

    * I understand that I may have to provide further details in the text-interview.

  5. Argyle Lyall reads over the parchment. His eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head "The uruks expected to take folk from us, from Sutica with little to no loss. I don't know who the hell they think they are, but I dont tolerate anyone who puts disrespect on my home, where ever that may be. I hope you cant get enough money, Krugmar. I hope you continue to come back to Sutican gates, to threaten our roads if we dont pay up swiftly.. I hope you do, because I am indeed tired of your petty ****.." The adunian says, before he tosses the parchment into the flame by his side. "What goes around comes around, sooner or later."

  6. On 11/11/2019 at 10:18 PM, Kaelan said:


    Housing Application

    ((OOC)) MC NAME: Nn_Xavier_nN 


    Name: Argyle Lyall


    Race: Adunian


    Seed/Clan (If none, leave N/A): N/A


    Profession/Craft (If none, leave N/A): Military 


    List any family or dependents who will be staying with you (If none, leave N/A): Larizza Lyall, Esmelinda


  7. Argyle gets his spear, then begins to oil the fine blade. "My dept to this man still remains, he died before I paid it. I blame the marshal of Reza.." he states, lifting the blade up to look at it in the light, letting it gleam from the shine of the sun.

  8.      [!] As you look on the notice board in what ever city you are in at the time.. You see a letter that might amuse. A name written in large letters is at the top, along with other writing “LYALL FAMILY! Looking for my siblings, all of them in fact. If you are not a Lyall, you shouldn't have to care one bit.  However, if you are a Lyall.. I think about where you are in life and would love to see you. I wish for you to come to Irrinor and meet me, because I do not know most of you. -Argyle Lyall.”  



    Disc: Xavier#5832

         Ok gamers, if you are interested in role playing as an adunian, and a sibling to my persona, hit me up on disc, and ill give you the details!.

  9. On 7/12/2019 at 2:55 PM, WuHanXianShi14 said:



    Housing Application

    ((OOC)) MC NAME: Nn_Xavier_nN


    Name: Argyle Lyall


    Race: Adunian


    Seed/Clan (If none, leave N/A): N/A


    Profession/Craft (If none, leave N/A): Recruit of the Gaurd


    List any family or dependents who will be staying with you (If none, leave N/A): Lyall family. Aoife Lyall.


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