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Everything posted by Passencore

  1. Passencore


    Luzkagh Zult was born under unassuming circumstances - goblins like him enter this world every day in Krugmar. What distinguished this goblin from the rest were his uncanny and religious dreams - at night he cavorted with the spirits of the desert, speaking to them and singing their praises. Some said he had the makings of a great shaman. He, himself, was not so sure - were they actual encounters with the Immortal Realm via his unconscious mind? Or were they mere dreams? This he pondered all day, going through the motions of weapon training and day-to-day soldiery that marks the life of an Orc. Naturally, this absentmindedness did not go unnoticed, and as such he was sent into battle immediately - "Let 'im prove isself in battle, or be weeded out" was the rationale behind the drillmaster's actions. At first it appeared it would be the latter: during a routine raid, Luzkagh was struck near-fatally, and was left behind on the battlefield. Resolute, he waited for death. but it did not come. He passed out, eventually, and upon awakening found himself miraculously healed. Death had been avoided by seemingly supernatural intervention, and naturally Luzkagh was in shock. He walked off into the desert, prepared to think this out or die trying. There he spent time in solitude - the sand and cactus and desert animals his only company. He painted yellow patterns on his face - it made him feel more at one with the spirits. After a particularly unsettling vision, Luzagh decided to return to the city of his birth and petition to become a shaman, and if he couldn't hack it, to seek a quick death in battle. This is where the rest begins.
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