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Posts posted by GhostSHTR

  1. I will have to say, I haven't had a Event line this good since the Vaeyl Wars in Atlas. (in my opinion). Even though I was late coming into this event line, I enjoyed it so much from the memes, to the rap-battles to the builds. Build Team need to give themselves a pat on the back, those builds were stunning. Both Azdromath, Xan and even the ships and forts.

    Anyways, Thanks Squakhawk, Werewolf and all the other STs and ETs who made this happen!

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Mundus Golem


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    A golem is a creature wrought from stone, animated by a magical core placed in their form. This core is made up of a gem plated with gold. In the case of a mundus core, this gemstone is a quartz crystal. Upon each of the sides of the core is a sigil, which enables the golem to see, hear, touch and think. The core contains self sustaining energy which powers the golem.
    Mundus golems are up to 8 ft tall and can have comparable strength to that of an orc, though slightly slower than any race they approximate. They are quite durable, being able to take up to 4 direct strikes with a pickaxe or blunt weapon before their core is breached and they perish. While golems no longer have to obey a specific impera, they often seek one out to give them purpose, singling out an individual and forming a relationship almost akin to that of a parent and child. When golems set themselves to a task, they will often be hellbent on completing it.


    Golems lack many of the emotions that rule normal descendants. Instead, they are stoic, set in their ways and slow to adapt, similar to the stone from which they are wrought. They may react negatively to rapid change, however, but do not feel anger or sorrow. Golems are often calm and collected, but can fall into a state of enraged madness if their core is damaged or if sufficient negative things happen, such as their impera being slain in their presence.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    This particular construct stood at 8 feet tall, comparable in size to a tall Uruk, and with similar strength. He was wrought from black stone, decorated with orange gems and golden embossings over his limbs, torso and head. He had a single amber eye in the middle of his head, and below that what appeared to be a maw hewn from stone. The gems held a faint glow, demonstrating the power within the construct. Overall, the body was finely chiseled by the golemancer, and clearly, quite a lot of time and effort was put into designing the golem to look fearsome! This particular golem has a disruption sigil on his right hand's palm.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. Spoiler

    OK, the amount of Citations and properly cited sources with the links and correct descriptions. This might just make me cry in joy, I can truly appreciate someone who is passionate about research even if it's just minecraft lore lmao


  4. GIVEN NAME: Bjolfr Rickard Nord VIII (Rickard)


    AGE: 26

    DATE OF BIRTH (if known): 132 SA

    PLACE OF BIRTH (if known):

    RACE: Human

    ETHNICITY (Auvergnian, Illatian, etc.): Carnatian


    PAST LABOUR EXPERIENCE (if any): Houndmaster of Isaakev and Head Miner for Ludovar Mining Company

    SIGNED NAME: Bjolfr Rikard Nord VIII


    Username: GhostSHTR

    Discord: ghostshtr

  5. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Masking OOC Sexism towards players repeatedly through roleplayhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/702606185936715858/1160249347502514277/Screenshot_2023-10-07_121322.png?ex=6533f968&is=65218468&hm=ae0c0aa06046a89d9a741602e4ca38cb28121541f4ac7ac54ba6504


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I was RPing in accordance with the LOTC's lore canon law, which stated that women couldn't be priests and that changes to canon law required an ecumenical council. I then wacked the player IRP before being dragged out of the church. While I was following the in-game lore, I didn’t realize that my roleplay was hurting other players and was being interpreted as OOC sexism. My RP at the time was to try to keep consistency within official lore and how my character would have acted, and I did not mean to make people uncomfortable. Since the ban, I have taken several steps to make amends for my actions. I have personally apologized to those players who were hurt or offended by my behavior during that time. I have attempted to engage in conversations to understand their perspectives better and learn from my mistakes. I understand that an apology alone cannot erase the past, but I hope it demonstrates my sincere regret and willingness to take responsibility for my actions. I have even taken time away from LOTC-related forums and Discord for longer than my original ban time. I have taken close to a year to sit back and think about my actions.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I agree with the ban that was imposed on me as it was a response to my behavior, but I will disagree with the idea that you must RP a character that reflects yourself IRL. We should acknowledge that just because someone’s Character is RPing a certain way, it doesn’t mean that they themselves are just like their character. If I personally met my Character at the time of this ban IRL I would be disgusted, but that is what I made the character to be. We shouldn’t change a character simply because they are following a lore that might make someone uncomfortable, if the lore is changed then the character must reflect that, or rebel against it. It all depends on what that character is like.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I miss doing stuff with my friends, that I've made over the years and still talk to me after my ban. Just want to get back to LOTC for old times sake


    Attach other relevant information.


    During the time of my ban, I have taken a step back from the server to reflect on my actions and the impact they may have had. I have used this time to better understand RP, I fully acknowledge my wrongs, and I am deeply sorry for any discomfort my actions may have caused in the past. I have attempted to apologize to those who may have been hurt by my actions I understand that forgiveness isn’t something one should expect to be given but something one should earn. Here is a Screenshot of an apology I sent, I didn't get a response which I understand but nevertheless I'd like to think my action meant something. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/702606185936715858/1160250268840116417/Screenshot_2023-10-07_121954.png?ex=6533fa44&is=65218544&hm=32b206f872c2d6b45d0a356b64e05f72f9005bd778bd937b8cfac95b9b39b017&

  6. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I think my entire ban has been a misunderstanding. I am not misogynistic. I have said some things which I deeply regret because they have offended others. Because I am a transgender man I fully understand and empathize with young women and their difficulties. In no way shape or form would I intend to diminish anyone on the basis of their gender. However, I believe that roleplay does not always reflect my real-life values. My roleplay character attacked a woman priest and by no means did I intend to discriminate MissToni out of character because of her gender, but I was acting as my character would. Like most roleplayers on Lord of the Craft, I don’t think that the Ferrymen raid and bandit the roads in real life or that someone is racist to elves and dwarves.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I agree with making sure sexism and hatred be routed out of our community, but I disagree with barring dynamic roleplay. And the thought that if someone roleplays one way, it means that they hold those values in real life.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I am ready to become a part of the Lord of the Craft because I want to roleplay and just have fun with my old friends.


    Attach other relevant information.




    Following the Nominations sent into the Office of the Election Commissioner, It is with great excitement that we Announce the Nominees for the Lord Mayorship of Joannesport.


    Her Ladyship, Mathilda Christina von Alstreim, Baroness of Arentania


    Mr. Helwig von Bardenwig


    Voting Shall commence today, The 8th of Horen’s Calling 1887 and shall end The 8th of Godfrey’s Triumph 1887 
    We Wish Both Nominees the best of luck, GOD will it


    (Click here for Voting Ballot)
    (After Voting, comment casting your vote below which will make your vote legitimate)

    (Voting Ends Friday at noon)


    HIS EXCELLENCY,   Joseph Caius de Ravensburg, Lord Chancellor of Sedan, Baron of Calmest

    HIS EXCELLENCY, Caius Tiberius de Ravensburg, Vice-Chancellor of Sedan, Election Commissioner, Count of Ravensburg 



    Upon the founding the new city of Joannesport, the Sedanian people have been hard at work, starting our new lives in this new found land. With this new and growing population, it is illogical for the Sovereign Prince to be in charge of both the nation and the ongoing inside the city. Henceforth, by the will of His Serene Highness, Frederick I, We announce the first nominations for the election of the Lord Mayorship of Joannesport.

    The Lord Mayor of Joannesport is to be elected by the majority of the votes and the approval of the Sovereign Prince of Sedan. They are too dutifully managing the city’s social events, business, and the economy. They are to help shape the Capital city of the Principality of Sedan into a bright future and bring stability to the Seat of House de Joannes.


    Eligible citizens to nominate themselves for the Lord Mayorship, they must meet the following criteria:


    • Candidates must be at at least fourteens years of age, the Age of majority
    • Candidates must be citizens of the Principality of Sedan for minimum 2 saint’s years (2 weeks)
    • Candidates must own or live in a home inside the walls of Joannesport
    • Candidate must not hold any criminal records
    • Candidates cannot be apart of the Privy Council
    • Candidates can be noble, gentry or commoner
    • Candidates can be a titled peer, consort or regent 


    Please include the following in your application:
    Character Name:
    Place of Residence / Street Address:

    HIS EXCELLENCY,   Joseph Caius de Ravensburg, Lord Chancellor of Sedan, Baron of Calmest

    HIS EXCELLENCY, Caius Tiberius de Ravensburg, Vice-Chancellor of Sedan, Election Commissioner, Count of Ravensburg 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Fionn__TWG said:


    "I Confessed and repented for my outburst of anger but neit for the hesery the nun stated, And the for the pontiff to continued with the heretical, illegitimate and tyrannical dogma of Yarmoir." stated the Elder-Hieromonk "The Church might have forgotten it's truth but I have neit, nor shall I ever."


     16th of Owyn’s Flame, 1885



    It has been a few saint’s months since my son Owyn Commandus de Ravensburg married Winnifred Ragnarsson, until recently a peasant without my consent. I had contemplated disowning my beloved son due to his disrespect to his status as a nobleman and disregard of marriage protocols. Yet I continued to debate such things and I eventually came to the conclusion, I love my son, and I cannot do it for it will simply bring more trouble than I wish to take part in.



    Therefore I declare that,


    • I Hereby Recognize the Union between Owyn Commandus de Ravensburg and Winnifred Ragnarsson, which was confirmed in Holy Matrimony under GOD
    • I Hereby Recognize any children born of this Union as fully legitimate members of House de Ravensburg, They Shall Bear the Name de Ravensburg and shall bear no other, as it is their birthright Paternal descendants of Lord de Ravensburg



    Though I completely acknowledge the marriage between my son and his wife as legitimate , I have not forgiven them for such transgression, I pray one day I shall for give them, but such things take time. 




    The Right Honorable, Caius Tiberius de Ravensburg, Count of Ravensburg, Baron of Calmest and Vice-Chancellor of Sedan


  11. Aiden, you will be missed. Thank you for everything my Friend 



    And to those who were apart of this despicable, uncalled for attack on lion and Aiden. To do such a horrible thing over a ****ing Minecraft war, is just beyond words. 

  12. HrqvOYJ8O1IndXBnwxZMAICj7Dx4KOaJNon4Wpxw1wgDzk_nzkFzqXtvOKbyfqosZdUj7jFq_PZKmyeLqauJ_2V0-0N5E-LyiBxGN_YTXIzq4j_sGmKqz-Y6RssDn90xdiLriHYSHJ7hJ2U_VnJCPA
    The Sedanian Law Codex

        I: Laws of the Land
            I: Laws of The Crown
            II: Laws of The State
            III: Laws of The Nobility
    II: Legal Process
    III: Degrees of Offense
        IV: Laws of the Crime
            I: Crimes against Persons
            II: Crimes against Property
            III: Crimes against Order
            IV: Crimes against Government
            V: Crimes Against Morality & Faith
        V: Rights and Oaths






    100: Defining the Crown
                100.01: The Crown of Sedan shall be the incumbent Sovereign Prince, from the Line of de Joannes; 
                100.02: The Crown of Sedan will be the Supreme Authority within the boundaries of the Realm;
                100.03: The Legitimacy and Authority of the Government, Military, and Law derive exclusively from The Crown;
                100.04: The Crown holds the sole right to elevate or revoke subjects to the status of Nobility, along with all the privileges that come with the Status;
                100.05: The Power and Roles of the Crown in the Affairs of the Principality are subject to the will of The Crown;
                100.06: The styling of the Sovereign Prince of Sedan is "His Serene Highness";
                100.07: The Children of the Sovereign are given the title Prince or Princess with the styling of His or Her Highness respectively;


    101: The Authority of the Crown

                101.01: The Crown may form the Privy Council and select and dismiss members at will;

                101.02: The Crown may grant the honor and duties of knighthood upon any subject they deem worthy and induct them into The Order of Saint Alexander and Holy Goat;

                101.03: The Crown may Assign and Revoke Noble titles and lands at will;

                101.04: All Lands of the Principality belong to the Crown, which the Prince may distribute at will;

                101.05: The Crown may issue Royal Edicts to create laws at will;

                101.06: The Crown is the source of all laws within the land, and therefore cannot be held liable in Court;


    102: Succession of the Crown
                102.01: Succession of the Crown follows a strict Agnatic Primogeniture;
                102.02: The Heir to the Crown of Sedan shall hold the titles, Crown Prince and Baron Ponce;
                102.03: Upon the death or abdication of the incumbent Prince of Sedan, The Crown will pass to his eldest son;
                            102.03A: If the Incumbent Prince’s sons have died, the Eldest son of the Eldest deceased Son shall take their place in accordance with lineal descent;
                102.04: If the Incumbent Prince has no sons of legitimate or entitled succession, The Crown shall pass to the next eldest Brother of the Incumbent Prince;
                            102.04A: If one of the Incumbent Prince’s brothers died, then their legitimate and entitled sons shall take their place in accordance with lineal descent;
                102.05: If the Incumbent Prince has no brothers or their sons aren’t of legitimate or entitled succession, the Crown shall pass to the nearest collateral with the Eldest taking preferences over the youngest;
                102.06: If the Incumbent Prince has no brothers, sons, or collateral of legitimate or entitled succession, The Chancellor will establish a protectorate until a legitimate and entitled successor is found.  
                102.07: If the heir to the crown is under the age of majority or 14 years, a Regency is to be established by either the Chancellor or an older member of the Princely House
                102.08: In the Case of Marriage, Sons, Brothers, Nephews, or Male Cousin  of the Sovereign Prince of Sedan must seek approval of their marriage through the Privy council and The Prince of Sedan

                            102.08.A: If a Prince of Sedan is to marry a woman of equal ranking, upon marriage the spouse will be given the courtesy of her husband’s titles and will be given a Princely styling and membership into the Princely House of de Joannes

                            102.08.B: If a Prince of Sedan is to marry a woman of  the gentry or common ranking upon his marriage, the Spouse will be given the courtesy of her husband’s titles and will be given a Princely styling and membership into the Princely House of de Joannes

                            102.08.C: If a Prince of Sedan is to marry a woman matrilineal, upon the marriage he will be cut from the line of succession and membership in the Princely House of de Joannes but shall be allowed to keep his Princely Styling and title.

                102.09: In the case of Marriage, Daughters, Sisters, Nieces, or Female Cousins of the Sovereign Prince of Sedan must seek approval of their marriage through the Privy council and The Prince of Sedan

                            102.09.A: If a Princess of Sedan is to marry a man of equal ranking, she is entitled to keep her Princely styling and membership within the Princely House of de Joannes

                            102.09.B: If a Princess of Sedan is to marry a man of the gentry or common ranking upon her marriage she automatically loses her Princely Styling and official membership with the Princely House of de Joannes

                                        102.09.B1: If the Gentry or commoner Husband becomes nobility after his marriage to a princess of the sedan, the Law is in effect.




    200: The Privy Council
                200.01: The Privy Council shall be the primary branch of Government for the Principality of South Sedan, serving at the absolute will of the Crown;
                200.02: The Chancellor shall be the head of the Privy Council;
                200.03: Members of the Privy Council leading branches of the Government are in charge of maintaining and managing their prospective offices.


    201: The Lord Chancellor
                201.01: The Lord Chancellor shall serve and act as the Chairman of the Privy Council and the Royal Government, leading at the will of the Crown;
                201.02: The Lord Chancellor shall serve as the Lord Regent in times when the Crown is incapable unless otherwise previously decided by the Crown;
                201.03: The Lord Chancellor shall:
                            201.03.A: Ensure that law and order are maintained within the realm;
                            201.03.B: Assist in the appointment, dismissal, and management of Privy
    Counselors and the Royal Government;
                            201.03.B: Represent the Crown in times of absence. 


    202: The Vice-Chancellor
                202.01: The Vice-Chancellor shall serve as a member of the Privy Council as its Vice-Chairman;
                202.02: The Vice-Chancellor shall be deputy to the Chancellor taking on any duties of the Chancellor if he or she is away or incapacitated;
                202.01: The Vice-Chancellor shall assist The Lord Chancellor in the appointment, dismissal, and management of Privy
    Counselors and the Royal Government;
                202.03: The Vice-Chancellor shall:
                202.04 Act as the Chancellor's representative in times of their absence. 


    203: The Lord Treasurer
                203.01: The Lord Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Privy Council as the Chief Financial Counselor;
                203.02: The Lord Treasurer shall:
                            203.02.A: Manage the Principalities Royal Treasury;
                            203.02.B: Ensure the proper use of the Treasuries funds, in order to reduce wasteful spending and prevent embezzlement;
                            203.02.C: Manage and oversee the Principalities debts and outstanding or upcoming bills;
                            203.02.D: Oversee the financial endeavors and investments of the Principality whether foreign or domestic;

                            203.02.E: Manage and levy taxes within the Principalities lands;
                            203.02.F: Hire, fire, and manage employees for the Treasury department.


    204: The High Steward
                204.01: The High Steward shall serve as a member of the Privy Council as the Chief Housing Counselor;
                204.02: The High Steward shall:
                            204.02.A: Manage, sell, and evict properties within the confines of the Royal Capital;
                            204.02.B: Maintain adequate records of all property owners within the Royal Capital;
                            204.02.C: Collect tax on properties within the Royal Capital on behalf of the Lord Treasurer;
                            204.02.D: Advice the Crown when expansions, maintenance, or any structural changes to the Royal Capital is required.

    205: The Lord Marshal
                205.01: The Lord Marshal shall serve as a member of the Privy Council as the Chief Military Counselor;
                205.02: The Lord Marshal shall:
                            205.02.A: Lead the military force of the Principality, “The Goats of Sedan”.
                            205.02.B: Plan, coordinate, and oversee military affairs;
                            205.02.C: Recruit, and manage members of the army;
                            205.02.D: Ensure the upholding of the law within the Principality;


    206: The Lord Justicar
                206.01: The Lord Justicar shall serve as a member of the Privy Council as Chief Justice 
                206.02: The Lord Justicar shall:
                            206.02.A: Oversee the Sedanian Courts and Trials
                            206.02.B: Add and Update the Sedanian Law Codex
                            206.02.C: Legal Counselor of the Principality






    300: Defining Nobility
                300.01: A subject that holds a noble title of Duke, Duchess, Margrave, Marchioness, Count, Countess, Viscount, Viscountess, Baron, Baroness and is confirmed by the Crown within the Principality of Sedan is to be considered a Peer of Sedan and are entitled to the privileges of the Noble Statues;
                            300.01.A: Dukes and Duchess shall use the styling of "His/Her Grace";
                            300.01.B: Margraves and Marchioness shall use the styling of "His/Her Most Honorable";
                            300.01.C: Counts and Countess use the styling of "His or Her Right Honorable";
                            300.01.D: Viscounts and Viscountess use the styling of "The Honorable";
                            300.01.E: Barons and Baroness use the styling of "His Lordship or Her Ladyship";

                300.02: Peers are allowed to grant their Heir one of their lesser titles as a courtesy, although it is non-hereditary;
                            300.02.A: Children and Kinsmen of a Duke, Duchess, Margrave, Marchioness, Count, or Countess are entitled to the styling of “The Honorable, Lord or Lady”;
                            300.02.B: Children and Kinsmen of a Viscount, Viscountess, Baron, or Baroness are entitled to the Styling of “His Lordship or Her Ladyship”;
                300.03: Regarding succession of peer’s title inside the Sedanian Peerage, the Succession laws for peerages houses are decided by the Head of House but must be approved by a vote of the Privy Council and Prince


    301: Peer Succession and Bastard Legmization
                301.01: Regarding succession of peer’s title inside the Sedanian Peerage, the Succession laws for peerages houses are decided by the Head of House but must be approved by a vote of the Privy Council and The Prince
                            301.01.A: The Default Peer Succession is strict Agnatic Primogeniture
                301.02: Children born out of wedlock, are to be known as illegitimate children or Bastards
                301.03: If the Noble parent of a bastard wished to Legitimize them, they must give evidence of why the bastard should be given legitimized and be granted permission from their head of the house
                301.04: If the Head of House Approves they shall make a public edict regarding the Legmization of the Bastard
                301.05: Legitimized Bastard regardless of the order of birth shall always be last in the line of succession.


    302: Rights of Nobility
                302.01: A Peer is entitled to request a private audience with the Prince of Sedan;
                302.02: A Peer and their kinsmen are entitled to marry into other noble lines, in or outside of the realm;
                            302.02.A: The Peer or kinsmen who wish to marry another noble must get consent from either the person’s father or/and head of the house
                302.03: A Peer and their kinsmen are entitled to Duel to first blood without the authority of the Prince or Lord Justicar
                            302.03.A: Exception to this Right is if the opponent of the duel is of the Princely House of de Joannes, if so then one must be granted consent by the Prince of Sedan
                302.04: A Peer’s legitimacy is defined by the recognition of their rank by the Prince of Sedan
                302.05: A Peer is entitled to hold either land or an estate that they can manage within their own accord.
                            302.05.A: If Lands or an estate are given to a Peer, it is within the Crown’s authority to give and take such privileges 






    400: Overall Legal Process
                400.01: Once the Individual is charged with a Crime they are either given a court date or make their way to the Prince’s Courtroom.
                400.02: Those presiding over the Trial are, The Lord Justicar, The Crown Prince, two Privy Council members, or Two Hereditary Peers with the Sovereign Prince as the Supreme Authority, if the Sovereign Prince is not available the Crown Prince may preside over the trial in his place, and if the Crown Prince is not available the Lord Chancellor shall Preside.
                            400.02A: The minimum amount of people required for a trial is three, one of which must include either the Sovereign Prince, Lord Chancellor, Lord Justicar, or Crown Prince
                            400.02B: The Individual who presides over the Trial shall henceforth be called “The Crown”
                400.03: At the beginning of the Trial, the Prosecution shall read the Charges
                400.03: Defendant shall state their plea
                            400.03.A: If the Defendant Plead Guilty, then the Presider will be given the evidence and summary of the crime and deliver the punishment
                400.04: The Trial begins the Prosecution may give their Opening statements, followed by the Defense. 
                400.05: Once the Opening statements are given the trial shall proceed with the Prosecution giving evidence and calling upon witnesses, followed by the Defense. The two shall continue taking turns giving evidence and calling Witness to give testimonies
                            400.05.A: Before Witness give testimonies, they shall take the Témoignage Oath
                400.06: Once all evidence and witness testimonies are given, The Crown will deliberate privately in another room.
                400.07: Upon hearing all the evidence and testimonies, The Crown shall give judgment. The Prince, The Crown Prince, Chancellor, or Lord Justicar shall give the verdict


    401: Authorized Pleas
                401.01: The Plea of Not Guilty is used for those denying to have committed the crime of which they have been accused.
                401.02: The Plea of Guilty is used for those who admit responsibility to the crime of which they have been accused.
                401.03: The Plea of No Contest is used when the defendant neither agrees nor disagrees with the charges against them, and they are just pleading to close the case.


    402: Illegal Pleas
                402.01: The Plea of Not Guilty due to insanity, is an illegitimate plea due to the fact insanity isn’t a valid reason to be considered not guilty.


    403: Legal Right of Nobility
                403.01: Noble peers of the realm are entitled to legal representation
                403.02: For Certain Infractions, the noble peer can hire a substitute to take their punishment with the approval of The Court and payment to both The Crown and the substitute


    404: Legal Rights for Commoners
                404.01: Commoners of the realm are not entitled to legal representation







    500: Levels of Offensives 
                500.01: An Infraction offense is of the least severity and is considered a minor offense. Sentencing of an Infraction offense can be but is not limited to.
                            500.01A: Fines up to 250 mina
                            500.01B: 25 lashings or more by Flogging and/ Or Birching 
                            500.01C: Loss of toe or finger
                            500.01.D: A small branding upon one’s arm, back, or leg
                500.02: A Misdemeanor is of the middle severity and is considered a middling offense. Sentencing of a Misdemeanor offense can be but is not limited to.
                            500.02.A: Fines up to 450 mina
                            500.02.B: 50 lashings or more by Flogging and/ Or Birching
                            500.02.C: Loss of a Limb
                            500.02.D: Large Branding upon one’s face, neck, chest, or arms 

                500.03: A Felony is the most severe and is considered a middling offense. Sentencing of a Felony offense can be but is not limited to.
                            500.03.A: Fines up to 5,000 mina
                            500.03.B: Stripping of one’s titles and lands
                            500.03.C: 300 or more lashings by Flogging and/ or Birching
                            500.03.D: Execution by hanging or otherwise
                500.04: Treason is the most indescribable offense and its punishment is worse than death.    
                            500.04.A: Death fitting to the level of Treason





    600: Assault 
                600.01: An intentional or threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause harm to an individual
    601: Battery 

                601.01: an intentional unpermitted act causing harmful or offensive contact with the "person" of another.
    602: Manslaughter 
                602.01: The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a Person(s) without deliberation, premeditation, and malice
                602.02: The act of unlawfully killing another person(s) is unintentional.

    603: Murder 
                603.01: The unlawful killing of another Person(s) without justification or excuse.
    604: Attempted Murder 
                604.01: The attempted unlawful killing of another Person(s) without justification or excuse.
    605: Slander 
                605.01: The oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime.

    606: Kidnapping 
                606.01: The unlawful transportation, asportation, and confinement of a person against their will.
    607: Unauthorized Torture 
                607.01: The Unauthorized act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological suffering upon a person




    700: Arson 
                700.01: The willfully and maliciously setting fire to or charring property, goods, and or land

    701: Theft 
                701.01:The taking away any object or goods that (partly) belong to someone else, with the intention to appropriate it illegally.

    702: Burglary 
                702.01: The act of illegally entering a building or other areas to commit a crime.
    703: Robbery 
                703.01: The taking or attempting to take anything of value by force, the threat of force, or by putting the victim in fear.
    704: Vandalism 
                704.01: The action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
    705: Counterfeit and Forgery 
                705.01: The false making or material alteration of a legal instrument(but not limited to Mina, Signatories, and Documents) with the specific intent to defraud anyone
    706: Extortion and Blackmail 
                706.01: The practice of obtaining benefit through coercion through illegal means ( but not limited to physical or psychological harm, revealing information, or trickery)



    800: Mayhem 
                800.01: An intent to maim or do bodily harm accompanied by an act that either dismembered the victim or disabled her or her use of some part of the body. 

    801: Banditry 
                801.01: The Acts of a person who is proscribed or outlawed; hence, a lawless desperate marauder(Explicated members of organized gangs and Mercenaries)

    802: Organized Crime 
                802.01: The Act of being a member of an Organized Illegal organization or an enemy Mercenary company

    803: Civil Disobedience and Rioting
                803.01: A disturbance of the peace by several persons, assembled and acting with a common intent in executing a lawful or unlawful enterprise in a violent and turbulent manner.
                803.02: A Unauthorize grouping of persons in a public space causing disturbances

    804: Resisting Arrest 
                804.01: The Act of using physical force to prevent arrest, handcuffing, and/or taking the accused to jail. Otherwise refusing orders from a guard or person of Authority

    805: Unauthorized Brawling 
                805.01: The Act of Brawling, Dueling, or sparing in a public space and not within a designated arena



    900: Treason 
                900.01: The Act of betraying the Principality Sedan, treason against the Principality of Sedan and its people shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort

    901: Tax Evasion 
                901.01: The Act of intentional and fraudulent attempt to escape payment of taxes in whole or in part.

    902: Regicide 
                902.01: The unlawful killing of The Sovereign Prince of Sedan without justification or excuse.
    903: Attempted Regicide 
                903.01: The attempted unlawful killing of The Sovereign Prince of Sedan without justification or excuse.

    904: Homicide of a Privy Council Member 
                904.01: The unlawful killing of a member of the Privy council without justification or excuse.
    905: Attempted Homicide of Privy Council Member
                905.01: The attempted unlawful killing of a Member of the Privy Council without justification or excuse.




    1000: Fornication 
                1000.01: The act of fornication between an unmarried woman with an unmarried man
    1001: Adultery 
                1001.01: The act of fornication between a married woman with an unmarried or married man
    1002: Inter-Racial Relations 
                1002.01: The Act of Marriage between two different descendant races
    1003: Non-Consented Noble Marriage 
                1003.01: The Act of Marriage without the approval of the head of the house

    1004: Homosexuality 
                1004.01: The act of engaging in fornication, living, or public display of affection between two individuals of the same sex

    1005: Incest 
                1005.01: The Act of engaging in fornications or marriage of individuals of close blood relations
                1005.02: Individuals of close blood relations are Siblings, Half-Siblings, Uncle or Aunt, Half Uncle or Half Aunt, Mother or Father, First Cousins, Half-First Cousins, and First Cousin Once removed.

    1006: Heresy 
                1006.01: The Act of partaking and intentionally believing false teachings, Heretical writings, and Dogmas against GOD

    1007: Blasphemy
                1007.01: The act of maliciously intended written or oral accusation made against GOD or Mother church with the purpose of dishonoring the divine majesty and alienating the Scrolls from the love and reverence of GOD.
    1008: Witchcraft 
                1008.01: The Act of an individual using illegal magics (Ex. Blood Magic, Voidal Magic, and other Dark Art)
    1009: Practicing Magic Without License 
                1009.01: The Act of Practicing Magic without a Proper License from the Court Mage of Sedan

    1010: Indecency 
                1010.01: The Act of intentionally dressing in a provocative, immoral, or obscene fashion publicly and Privately





    THE 9th Of Godrey’s Triumph, 1884

    It has been 41 years since I ascended to the Lord Chancellorship of Sedan Under His Serene Highness, Leopold I. During such time I have seen our beloved Principality flourish from Louisville to Haverlock and Back, I have seen our people be spit upon and yet continue to rise from the ashes. In more recent times I have seen my Son and Heir move up the ranks of the Privy Council, earning a name for himself and his house. 


    With my increasing age, and many years of service. I believe it is time for me to step down, not just for myself but also for my Successor and the Principality. My Son, Heir, and Vice-Chancellor Joseph Caius de Ravensburg, Baron of Calmest shall ascend to the Lord Chancellorship upon my resignation.

    Upon my Resignation and the ascension of the Baron Calmest to Lord Chancellor, I shall be taking his old Position of Vice-Chancellor. I shall continue to mentor my Son in his new position as Lord Chancellor for as long as I can.


    The Official Transfer of Power shall take place on The 12th of Harren's Folley, 1884, at noon.


    HIS EXCELLENCY, Caius Tiberius de Ravensburg, Lord Chancellor of Sedan, Count of Ravensburg

    HIS EXCELLENCY, Joseph Caius de Ravensburg, Vice-Chancellor of Sedan, Baron of Calmest 


  14. 1 hour ago, Dogged said:

    “She really left?” Joseph looked to his chancellor, the Lord Ravensburg. “I do wish her the best wherever she might land.” Joseph ushered the chancellor out of his room as he continued playing himself in chess.

    "She's hopefully going to learn some manners" Count Ravensburgs noted before leaving his room


     9th of Owyn’s Flame 1881


    Citizens of Sedan and Fellow Friends of House de Ravensburg,


    With the history of the de Ravensburgs, the acknowledgment of bastards isn’t one that is talked about. Bastards are often seen but never acknowledged, the best example is the St. Edmond Branch of illegitimate Horen-Marna’s. Yet every so often a person of Illegitimate birth strides to prove themselves equal to their legitimate counterparts.


    It is with great Pleasure that I proclaim Elyna Constance Jrent no longer a Bastard of Illegitimate birth, no longer shall she hold the name Jrent.


    She will henceforth be known as The Honorable, Lady Elyna Constance de Ravensburg, the name given to those of the Comital House of Ravensburg. She is now a full legitimate member of the Sedanian nobility.



    The Right Honorable, Caius Tiberius de Ravensburg, Chancellor of Sedan, Count of Ravensburg, Baron of Calmest




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