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Everything posted by Wiccant

  1. Wiccant


    Kenickie was born in Druid's Grove, soon after having been abandoned by her father. Her mother had passed giving birth to her, and her father left her with an old Druid to sustain for herself. He passed on by the time Kenickie was 14 (about 65 in Elf years) , and she was left to sustain for herself, travelling in the many groves and forests of the land. Though she doesn't have a permanent home, she makes shelters wherever she goes. She has a vast knowledge of flora and fauna, and hopes to one day become a ranger. She travels alone, having had a few animal companions who have passed away due to her rough journeys. She sells many treasures and collectibles she finds on her travels, from jewelry to armor. She's quite outgoing and flirty, and she's very confident in herself. She's stubborn and cannot realize her own limits, pushing herself too far sometimes whether it be in combat or travels. She's a bit cocky and obnoxious at times, and may be a little blunt, but she always means well. She's quite sensitive as well, although she may not show it on the surface, she will feel it deep down. She always tries to put on a happy face even if she's not. She prefers to travel through woods, fields, deserts, and beaches rather than pathways and roads, since it gives her opportunities to discover new things. Now at the age of 20 (about 120 in Elf years), she lives a mostly happy-go-lucky life. (I was asked to change my skin to seem more fantasy-like, editing her to meet the needs of the world. I think I did an okay job at it and I hope it will work out. I changed her latex shorts to leather shorts, adding a corset on the back and I changed the colours of her jewelry to golden colours.)
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