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Posts posted by Porkgasm


    To my friends and family in Brandybrook,
    I have reached the end of my Adventurers. And, I can only hope I went out in a way that was meaningful, and not from drinkin' too much in the Tavern. 


    I hope tha' I have 'elped tha' weefolk of Brandybrook discover the spirit of Adventure tha' lies within' all of us. A 'ave always tried ta show tha' worl' tha' weefolk 'ave jus' as much spirit as them Bigguns do. I made maneh mistakes in My life...many tha' I regret. But, life is full o' sorrows an' regrets. Forgive otha's. Forgive yerself. Life is like tha' dinkle river...if ya try ta fight tha' current, you'll jus' take longer gettin' ta where ya need to be.


    There is too maneh folks ah 'ave met in me life tha' ah owe so, so much ta. That shoul' be gifts in tha' mail fer tha' las' o me kin and those closes' to me 'eart.

    Remember, nah everythin' worth doin' in life is painless. Life can be 'ard. But, by Arugula, ya can see it through.


    Take care.

                                                                                  - Deek Driftwood

  2. MC Name: Porkgasm

    Character's Name: Kroak

    Character's Age: 18


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Wonks are a Froglike humanoid species native to the Arcas-Atlas proto-continent. Originally from the Wonkawoods, the Wonks slowly evolved and they learned how to communicate, the Wonks slowly expanded beyond their original home in the Wonkawoods, into the wider world beyond. One of the first races the Wonks met were the Orcs, whom influenced the Wonk's culturally, influencing the tribal nature of the Wonks.


    However, with the arrival of the descendents, the Wonks have been introduced to modern culture and civilization, and so some have broken off from their tribal roots, becoming what is known as Reformed Wonks. These Wonks tend to emulate the cultures of those around them, adapting and embracing them as their own.


    Wonks are split into two different subraces, with Frong Wonks being taller and slimmer, and Toad Wonks being shorter and squatter. Once in their lifetimes, a wonk may procreate, developing small bubble-like safe along it's back. When ready, it will expell the eggs into a communial pond or lake, or near any body of freshwater if not apart of a specific community. The expelled eggs will hatch into tadpoles a day later.


    Wonks have a lifespan of 120 years, the first five of which are spent as tadpoles in a body of freshwater, emerging from the water as a full grown wonk after five years. As Wonks age, their skin slowly dries out, necessitating the need for a Wonk to immerse itself in fresh water as they age, until at last they are forced to return to a body of freshwater, remaining within until they die.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Down in the Depths of the Shrine of Arugula, a small blind Halfling weeps.


    "My Daughter! My Wife! Gone....gone, all gone. All I have left is the sea...before I found love, I found life in the still full peace of the land, there was the sea." he mutters bitterly.


    His thoughts drifted to the words of his father, to the ancient Driftwood legends past down from Fisherman to Sailor. Of the Wrath of Arugula decending upon those who had betrayed the Halfling People, who's tendrils would wrap around their souls and bring them down into the crushing depths of the sea, where only pain and agony remained in the Maw of Arugula.


    He opened an old chest he had never opened, given to him by his Grandfather, a salty old Halfling fisherman. "When teh Family is betrayed, and teh weefolk are betrayed, you'll feel it right ta open it then. Nah before" he has said, and nothing more.


    The Halfling looked into the Chest, the silence of the Shrine only broken by the waves of the sea lapping against the cold stone. There was nothing that would Bigguns would ever consider valuable or important within. Nothing they would ever understand. Dark robes, with a meaningless icon stitched into the cloth. And an Old Trident. Nothing more.


    The Halfling took these things with reverence, with bitterness, with sorrow. He put on these new robes and wept bitterly. That anyone should see his family taken from him....

    He removed his blindfold, and cried out as he stuffed two pearls in his eyesockets. Bloody tears left trails of crimson on his face as he did so. The pain would remind him of the pain his daughter felt when her life was stolen from her.


    That was it...there was nothing left. Nothing but the Wrath of Arugula, and Vengence for a broken family 

  4. Deek Driftwood sits blindly on the Docks of Brandybrook, though not truely blind, given the blessing of Arugula upon him, he could see nothing in his grief. Though no tears spill from those hollow sockets, miserable sniffing would be heard.


    "Me oldes' daughter....."

  5. 24 minutes ago, sergisala said:

    “There’s no life worthy to live outside of the Empire, Cardinal.” Edward Williams would say to him before signing the Horen cross due to the heresy he’s said.

    "Plenty of Faithful Canonists live beyond the borders of the Empire - The Trade city of Sutica, the Holy State of Vuillermoz, The Principality of Vitenna, the Duchy of Savania. It is the duty and responsibility of the Holy Church to provide Spiritual guidance to all who follow GOD, no matter where they choose to reside." he would reply. "It is simply a matter of broadening your horizons. Indeed, I met a member of the faithful who chooses to reside in the Silver City of the High Elves! GOD's purpose is not restricted to the borders of any kingdom or empire."

  6. Cardinal Wilhelm nods in agreement with the penned response. "The systems and methods of the past will not serve GOD or Modern Humanity. To serve GOD's will as we are able, we must make use of what roads are available to the Church, in order to ensure that GODs will remains relevant in the hearts and minds of those within the Empire, and without"

  7. Cardinal Wilhelm sets aside a section of his growing library to house the writings of Friar Boniface. "Though I may not agree with all of his positions, one should always be willing to question their beliefs, so that they can be justified not only to oneself, but to GOD when we ascend to the Skies." 

  8. Cardinal Wilhelm, after reading the contents of the letter, would be seen standing in front of the Palace of Avalain. Of what the Cardinal yelled, and raged, and spat in the general direction of the Palace shall not be repeated here, as it would be highly inappropriate to repeat for civilized conversation. 


    Afterwards he would be seen attending confession, and carrying on ministering to the Curonian refugees, encouraging to remain faithful to GOD.

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