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Everything posted by xDominiusx

  1. xDominiusx


    For reference this is my denied application:
  2. xDominiusx


    Dom is a simple wanderer. He has no home, many debts unpaid, and he trusts only those who can trust him. Born in the large city of Haelun'or, he quickly left due to the High Elves prejudiced look towards the impure. Feeling the disgust and 'purity' of his High Elf brethren he vowed to never become like them, he forcefully forgot all of the the magic the High Elves were claimed to excel at, and decided that fights need no thinking through, all they need is cold hard steel. In place of a calm, cool collected Elf came out an emotional being that jumped to conclusions and constantly hid his ears from the public. The only thing of High Elf origin he carried with him was the distrust in gods, as he hated the idea of devoting your life to something you've never seen or heard from. He would leave a singular High Elf item in his pack, and often wears it too. It is a fine bracelet that his mother gave him at a very young age. As the years went on, Dom became more and more like his Dark Elf father. He is prone to skipping town whenever he feels like it, and he is absolutely clueless about romance. If he was able to happen upon a love interest, he might have an obligation and settle down to a more simple life.
  3. xDominiusx


    I would just like to say I have made an account now and one tiny edit Change "Thing of legend" to "somewhat legendary" to make me less OP, Thank you for reading this (If you do) -Dom
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