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Everything posted by JessesFreedom

  1. JessesFreedom


    Aiden is a halfling who is no stranger to hard work and neglect. His whole life, he had been alone. He has worked hard and never given up, but he is smart, but isn't very strong. He lives in Dunshire where he was born, but sadly, he's never met his parents. He was left at birth and never knew where they went or how to find them. He lived with someone who knew his parents until he was 16, when that person died of old age. He told Aiden that his parents had gone away somewhere in the Dominion of Malin before he died. Since then Aiden has been getting odd jobs everywhere in Dunshire he can. He doesn't have a home, but he hopes to make friends, so he atleast doesn't have to be alone anymore. He also is very kind and caring, and if given the choice between helping himself or someone else, he'll choose the other person. Aiden trusts really easily and it gets him into bad situations all the time. He also talks too much
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