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  1. TheBlueWoodDog


    Tephis was born in Senntisten, and was raised most of his life there. His entire life, he worked at his mother’s bakery, even though he dreaded life in the city. Although he is a heartlander, he wished to live the active life of a highlander. His father left when Tephis was only six, and was killed by a guard when Tephis was eleven. Even though it was never told to Tephis, his father left to learn dark magic, and was killed by the guard because he was actively attempting it on him. When Tephis finally reached the age of twenty-two, he finally had enough money (and courage) to ask his mom to move up north, saying that he wanted to have the active life of a farlander, including fishing and farming. His mother was hesitant at first, but let him move up north anyway. What she didn’t know, however, is that Tephis wanted to learn magic, as he knew his father did some sort of magic (Just not dark magic). Now he is venturing up north, but will he be learning magic for good or will he follow in his father’s footsteps into evil?
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