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  1. OldGuard57


    Hjoldir was just like any other dwarf like most dwarven families he worked in the mines of the deep and work he did for most of his life he was digging and bringing minerals up to the surface for his people however the job of a miner can be a tedious and boring one and unlike alot of his kin he decided to become an adventurer and strike out and make his own destiny in the world. Up until this point his life was very rough in the mines the occasional fighting with those creatures of the deep left him scarred and warred like most of his people but unlike them he felt the longing to leave the mountain and journey else where and explore the world. He Would speak with the local lord of his hold and before long he would be all ready to set out on his own He wasn't special and his parents were not dead he was going to make his own story from here on out as just a simple miner making his way in the world. He hopes that one day he will be a great dwarf of his people and bring riches and glory on his family hold but for now he leaves them and sets out on his own.
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