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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Pyrias

  1. I quite like the current concept of CT, but I do think it should be more centralized.  It serves as a spot people can reliably go to for basic necessities, and also serves as a pinnacle point in terms of monk lore. 


    Although, I do think that the markets should be managed in some way that it's items that cannot be easily gotten elsewhere. It takes away from the player economy in some ways. Would def like to see the CT support player ran economies more!

  2. IGN: Pyrias
    Discord: Lyressi0887#7897
    Likes: Cute stuff, animals, building, plants, cats, pastries, tea blends, medical ointments, curious/odd trinkets (useless but neat)
    Dislikes: Unoriginal novelty gifts, gross things, inconsiderate thoughts


  3. Banditry is a situation where I feel as if nobody will ever be satisfied, but I do agree that it should inherently be more roleplay-based rather than getting jumped and having to PvP. Not everybody is skilled enough to PvP, as they’re here for roleplay, not to be PvP’d and stolen from. In my opinion, if you’d enjoy doing that, factions might be more suitable for you.

    Traveling along the roads and facing the possibility of being stolen from is a good experience that I feel as if many roleplay servers lack, as it comes with risk and unhappiness (for some people). Due to this, I don’t see why it isn’t objectively looked at in a more “realistic” manner. Bandits learned routes and jumped groups all the time, but were disguised, so they couldn’t be identified. They’d rob their victims and leave them to whatever dangers they might face going to the nearest town to recover. Being a bandit on LotC and killing everyone just for the sake of them not remembering is rather.. dry. If you’re immediately robbed, killed, and revived, where are the consequences for the bandits? You couldn’t tell the guards anything about the criminals because you don’t remember, and the bandit gets away scot-free. Meanwhile, you suffer a larger loss just because you wanted to seek out roleplay in another place.

    Of course there’s the risk the bandit would be overpowered and then they face consequences, but what are the chances of that? Some may argue that with genuine roleplay going into robberies, “meta squads” can roll up, but that’s just a rule-break that can be reported. And if they fear groups stumbling across them whilst a robbery is in process, then that’s to be expected; they’re roads that people use to traverse between settlements. In my opinion, that just encourages bandits to be more smart and swift about their robberies. Of course, people could stall with responses, but that’s also a rule-break in the way of avoiding roleplay. If bandits really needed to incapacitate their victims, knock them out. Make them unable to move efficiently, tie them up. Killing should be a last resort scenario, or seen as a more brutal choice. Not a, “Oh well, I can kill this person and get away with the robbery, so that’ll be my best choice to do.”

    To me, that’s just skipping over valuable roleplay development and giving way to dry interactions and PvP scenarios in an immersive roleplay environment.

    But that’s just my two cents on the matter ^^


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