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  • Character Name
    Cassius Angel
  • Character Race
    Human Highlander - Raevir

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  1. I've made some changes that I hope are appropriate.
  2. MisterSpectre


    Born in Shalemoss, a small burg along the eastern coast just south of Norland, Cassius was raised by a local reeve and a shaman. From a young age, his father taught him the law and to obey it while his mother taught him about her connection to the spirit Akezo. They lived a modest existence on the coast for many years. By the time Cassius became a teenager, it came time to choose his path. To him, it was no question to follow the teachings of his mother and become a Farseer like her. As the years went on, the other Shalemossians began ostracizing his family. Mostly ignoring his father's position of authority and considering his mother a sort of witch, his family fell on hard times. His father found it difficult to find happiness through his days, soon falling deeper into the bottle. His mother tried to keep his mind from the prejudice the people held against them, failing due to the overwhelming adversity. Eventually, upon being considered an adult at 16 years old, he decided it was time to try to clear the Angel name by becoming a success, a hero of war, something. Cassius enlisted, and served as a footman for 2 years during the Atlas Coalition War before being disbanded due to lack of skill and capability, he had given up on honouring his family. Akezo ignored him during his time as a soldier and upon returning home he sought to rectify his connection to the spirits. For 1 year he ignored the people of Shalemoss, turning to his spiritual practice with his mother. He learned the uses of his drum, rattle, feather, and various other shamanic tools. He took to masks, carrying bones and trinkets upon him, wearing long robe-like apparel, and keeping to himself most of the time. Unfortunately he was unable to pursue Akezo and eventually he too fell on hard times. Requiring a goal, he followed his father's path for 3 years and assisted him in enforcing the law, developing himself and attempting to make his father proud. After his time as an assistant to a Reeve, he decided that this wasn't the path he wanted to take. He took to the roads, stricken with wanderlust. He spent 2 years in travelling around Eastern and Northern Atlas, mostly evading soldiers, or war-parties.Friends were far and few between, making his time on the road a trial to say the least. Through his travels he's come across various healers across the land, reminding him of his mother, and Akezo, rekindling his passion for shamanism. To this day he seeks to find a way to establish himself as a Farseer. He left behind his depressed household and home, just roaming, seeking a place to be who he wishes, and perhaps some good friends as well.
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