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Everything posted by Marleybob124

  1. Marleybob124


    Born in Halsworthy to a neglecting family that consists of his brother Marco, mother Gretta and father Puetro, Bruno Giovanni was always getting into trouble as a child and even most of his adulthood, possibly due to his parents absence. Miss treated his whole life he and his brother eventually move to the city of Holm where they struggled to settle in and land on their feet probably because of the lack of manners and intelligence the Heartlanders are so used to. Eventually they are forced to resort to crime and create possibly the first mafia, The Atlacian Mafia. while his brother runs the show Bruno is feared amongst gangsters throughout Atlas because of his brutish style of dealing with some of the issues the mafia faces. Marco never has to worry about a deal gone bad because Bruno is always itching for a fight whether it be ten men or an angry orc he'll put up a good battle. As the winner of a fight club championship 2 years in a row he is always sure to play by the rules. In his spare time Bruno enjoys bird watching, he has a large collection of rare birds that he has spotted over the years. He respects animals and has done all his life as a child he used to feed wolves left over bread from his mothers bakery.
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