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Posts posted by tgrt

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             [A+M+S+W] Bardmancy


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             I sure am!

  2. oooEjYeaeNWgmeUoGR8rx69e1bmqkc8f0OLwvDvglxkPE_0D9YXthjVZP436I-B7eNLukMoHWG5WjBhtFNpPA0DEpDOmxzjAqriaGGc1motjSfjkLw7refhS6UXqiU0m5BD0PdNGGrm_6mMmpSkLySA


    • ○  Vailu Valmiran ○ •

    Upcoming changes and Internal Restructuring.

    [!] This missive starts with a neatly handwritten letter! It reads:

    After running this College for over a century, I can comfortably call its success and outreach a lifetime achievement. Fruits of obsessive dedication and absolute single-mindedness. Now, the dream has outgrown its dreamer. I find that my silent, focused labour does not reach the true potential span of our artistic developments.


    Therefore, I am resigning as Headmistress of the Bard’s College and, as a final act of conviction, I have elected a Bardic Council so that our united efforts may push us towards, and beyond, journeys we could never have dared to yearn for alone.


    That we can be. Behold. Be beholden to one another.

    Brimztra bless us all.”

    - Inny Yuln’aher.



    The Bardic Council



    Art by the always lovely Unibearse!


    The Vailu Valmiran’s Council holds five positions to represent each of the Four Arts, and House Magics as a whole. The current elected Bardic Council Members are:


    .• Master of Aesthetics •.

    Glorier Maiheiuh


    .~ Master of Movement ~. 

    Zyn'ira Terin


    . ♪ Master of Sound ♪ .

    Farian Malto-Gylldene


    . / Master of Word \ .

    Inny Yuln'aher


    . ´ Housemagery Representative ` .



    Each member is expected to encompass their assigned sect of artistry by encouraging both its propagation and advancement.
    Members may be expelled or substituted on majority vote during a Meeting.


    Meetings and Direction


    The Council is to meet whenever deemed necessary to both discuss current matters and vote on potential actions, directions, or artistic projects. During meetings, any and all officialized College Teachers may freely join discussions, propose projects and vote on matters. During meetings, all votes and opinions hold the same weight and importance.


    If you’re interested in keeping touch with College happenings, learning artistry, or joining our ranks, then keep a close eye on our notice boards!


    [Join our College Discord!]

  3. This is, indeed, great! Some extra flare that the base lore surely needs, and a fantastic way to introduce new players and non-bardmacers to some of the cool stuff the magic offers!


    Uni did a superb job writing, checking in with us, and sprinkling in some great art on top of it all to make this such a fun addition!

  4. [!] Rumors speaking of a massacre and the Goldhands reach a certain cart. A woman peers out her window, grinning ear to ear.

    "Such a tragedy. You know- it wasn't too long ago I had read that Hate taints Justice into Vengeance..."

    The amusement fades immediately when Inny realizes she is alone and talking to her cloak.

  5. 15 hours ago, Hamatsa said:

    - Enchanted ‘Megaphone’ provided by the Bardic College


    A busy Headmistress stumbles upon this missive when keeping up to date with current events. She'd rub her brow when getting to the end, starting to write a cease and desist letter to the Eternal Library. Making sure it is clear that THE COLLEGE WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY ENCHANTMENTS to winners. She also writes that Red wine is clearly the better wine.

    "Moon's Light. What do people think Bard Magic does, these days?"

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