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Everything posted by JustBeinn

  1. JustBeinn


    I was raised in an orphanage from a young age by Matrons, i has no idea who my parents were or if they were dead or alive, i wasted my young years watching and following miners and blacksmiths fascinated by their work, years past i grew more bitter with the world, hating those around me, the only thing that gave me some solace were my crafts, Smithing and Mining, the more i did it the more i felt like there was a place for me in this world, i had never agreed with the monarchy or systems that were put in place by kings and those who follow him, but i was taught to honour those who created this these caverns and follow them as it is my duty, currently i spend my days in the mines, i have high hopes for the future for someone who is so nihilistic and hopefully someday construct my own settlement.
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