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Everything posted by Exalted_.

  1. Exalted_.


    A scruffy looking charismatic explorer with blonde hair, blue eyes and an impeccable grin on his face with the lust for exploration. He began his life as an orphan and grew up scamming his way up the chain, until the Coalition war forced him into the plains to explore and survive off the land. He heard rumours of a pocket of survivors who had taken refuge in the North to rebuild their once great nation, he knew that it was there he had to travel to. He is unaware of who his parents are but that does not phase him, as he prides himself on being independent. Drawth sustains a positive attitude but always has a cynical second thought in the back of his mind. Drawth will fall loyal to anyone who can prove they are trusted, but approaches most people with a positive attitude. He is interested in how the mind works and tricks people into pursuing goals that he is interested in. If he isn't careful he can dig himself into a hole and get in trouble with the authorities or royal powers.
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