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Everything posted by SirTimothy

  1. SirTimothy


    Dartanion was born in Druids Grove in the Northern Hemisphere of Atlas. Talk now and then would reveal stories of his fathers side of the family who lived in the Southern half of the region near the Cascadian Peninsula in Santegia. Shortly after he entered his childhood the Northern lands were invaded. Attempting to flee the threat, Dartanion became separated from his family. Alone in the wilderness, the 10 year old boy was taken in and raised by a family of Elves. For 20 years the Elves taught him everything he needed to know to become a man. How to farm, how to fight, how to love. But he always carried the everlasting feeling of something missing from his existence as a human, his biological connection to the world. So after 20 years of only short glimpse memories of his parents faces, he decided to set out on a journey to the Southern lands of Atlas, in an attempt to reconnect with them or any remaining family he may have left.
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