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Everything posted by Qrth

  1. Qrth


    Fixed the reference to the town! The town in particular wasn't important, I just wanted to be relative to the map found on the wiki.
  2. Qrth


    Lyle Lazarus was born on a small farm among the Shallow Peaks, southwest of Sutica. His mother was a Farfolk and his father was a Highlander, both originating from Sutica. His family is quite large, him being the youngest of five children. The farm he grew up on was completely isolated from the outside world, his parents insisting the only things he needed to learn was how to put in a good days work. Despite originating from Sutica, his parents despised the lackadaisical attitude that permeated Sutica. They tried to drill into all of their children's head that the arts were worthless, and all these intellectual studies that those north of them were doing were lazy and detrimental to health. Lyle believed all of these things for a majority of his life, being sort of a pushover. Until, one day when he was 18 years old, he accompanied his father on a trade trip to a town a few days journey from their farm. He got a hold of a trashy romance-adventure military novel, and slowly learned how to read it over the course of the next few months. He had to hide it from his parents and siblings, but it created a spark in him that had never been present before: a sense of adventure. He related to the protagonist, and began to fathomed himself somewhat of a brilliant adventurer himself. He eventually decided to follow what he felt was his destiny- go off into the world and seek fortune, romance and adventure. He stole a decent chunk of his families savings and made his way out of Sutica.
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