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Everything posted by RayneIlStorm

  1. RayneIlStorm


    When he was born, his father was killed in a shadowed creature and his mother fled the forest. His mother, being chased by the monster as well, went to the closest town which happened to be Druid's Grove. There, she hid the child and went back to face the monster alone. She never returned. A human man found the child and took him home to his wife. They named the child Phillis and took care of him for decades. As Phillis grew older, he had a talent and admiration for the healing arts and soon became a doctor after being an apprentice for the local healers. As he grew older, he saw his adoptive parents grow older as well. Not wanting to bear seeing them perish without him, he kissed them goodbye and left the town of Druid's Grove. Now he walks as a wandering healer, healing those who are in need and living off of the appreciation that his patients give. He hopes to one day find his true family and tell them of his ventures throughout the lands of Atlas. Other than flora and medical techniques, he has a poor time remembering past events, but he still tries his best!
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