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Posts posted by Mister_Gavin

  1. 28 minutes ago, rukio said:

    Aeolus of Khamees reads the missive with a quiet grumble. He'd offer the paper over to Elarhil and Amelia. The very golden elf would have but a few simple remarks. "I am not pale or blond. I do not lead the Paladins. I will go sort this whole ordeal out." With a tired expression, off he went, ready to do as his mentor had done a thousand times before: Explain to a new populace of the church that Paladins do not worship Xan.

    Alexios is already at the Holy See explaining to everyone that Paladins worship Xan, hate GOD, and eat babies.

  2. The Bishop put down his souvlaki as he saw yet another courier stop by the Parish mailbox.

    Frowning, Alexios got up and went to the mailbox where a comical cascade of missives fell out.

    With a sigh, the Priest grunted and picked them up and began reading them.


    Brows furrowed at the details and the accusations being thrown about, the Bishop decided to first offer up a prayer for the soul of the deceased child and then pen a letter to the Order.


    "O LORD, remember first your people who art thy inheritance..."

    He muttered as he lit incense and picked up his quill.



    To Beloved Holy Ser Gerard,


    Firstly, my beloved Orderman, it has been too long! I hope you and the rest of your compatriots are doing well. I have long missed your presence in Winburgh since you relocated due to the War. I pray for the success and stability of your Order for as long as GOD chooses to grant us that grace.


    Secondly, there has been a large quantity of missives bearing your address going about. As you well know, most Clergy have copies of relevant Church matters copied and delivered to them. Imagine my shock at seeing something as inflammatory as 'The Church's Crimes,' appearing at my door. I reckoned one of my long suffering Adrian laymen had taken up the pen-sword again, at first.


    Take heart, Gerard. I know how it feels to be slandered, to be persecuted, and to be mocked. GOD knows it as well and he will reward those who suffer in his name. Take your solace and comfort in him. Continue to uphold his Laws and his Covenants and remember this first in your heart,


    'If the whole world is against truth, then I am against the world.'


    If it should be however, that you acted rashly or with cruelty I would advise you and all your Brethren to remember that most pious of quotes from the Righteous and GOD fearing Saint Jude whose name you bear:


    'Mercy, mercy is at the heart of the Gospel.'


    With great paternal love and uncountable prayers,

    His Grace Alexios, Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Arpad.


  3. Bishop Alexios lit another candle for beloved Stanislaw next to the one already reserved for Father Tonito in the crypt of the Cathedral of Saint Arpad, closed his eyes, and began to pray.


    In a moment of melancholy he cried out,

    "O GOD! Will I have any friends left by the time this godless War is over?!"

    Inhaling sharply and composing himself, he once more bowed his head and began to pray anew.

  4. 1 hour ago, GoodGuyMatt said:


    Perhaps time has come for Ferdinand to learn his Canonist denominations better...



    Bishop Alexios, tipped his Mitre to the Hieromonk, from one Orthodox Canonist to another.

    Invigorated by the Homily, he penned a letter to the man!




    AXIOSBrother Osvald!


    I write to you this day from Veletz, for a copy of your Homily has reached me through the siege lines. Glory to GOD, that it has done so for I find it's message universal and it's contents very pertinent! Words on parchment alone cannot describe the depths of the sorrow and tribulation I have felt over this War. Nothing is so sad as a Canonist waging War against his fellow Canonist. I weep for the family of GOD, for it is most beautiful and wonderful when Brothers dwell in unity and love.


    I pray that this madness comes to an end soon, for the only regret I feel from reading your Homily is that I did not get to experience it in person!



    Keep us in your prayers Brother Osvald,

    His Imminence,

     Bishop Alexios


    P.S. Magnificent Vestments, if you'd mind sharing your tailor I'd be delighted to be one of their patrons!


  5. Full Name of Man - Fyodor Kovachev 


    Name of Woman - Lucia Hervela Kovachev


    Location of Ceremony - Cathedral of St. Arpad

    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1957
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Bishop Alexios

  6. 1 minute ago, Werew0lf said:


    Stanislaw Cardinal Westerwald rushes up towards Saskia, holding a quill and notebook. "What do you mean by this?! Are the church stocks going to fall due to this event?!" He attempted to gain an interview, but was thrown out by Veletzian soldiers. 

    Bishop Alexios looked over sagely at Cardinal Stanislaw,

    "Short the Church stocks - Don't give me that look, just do it!"

    The Bishop sighed before he pulled out the massive bill for the upcoming Pontifical Residence.

    "... We're going to need the money."

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Father Alexios


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



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    Let it be henceforth known throughout the realm that Father Alexios, vicar of the diocese of St. Emma under Bishop Odo, is in search of an autmaton crafting teacher. He wishes to serve as an apprentice and to better appreciate the mysteries of the machine so that he may become a Lord of The Craft. Compensation for the knowledge is offered, for Veletz is desperately in need of an in-house prosthesis specialist.


  9. 4 hours ago, yopplwasupxxx said:


    Amleth continues to pray following the dogma and doctrine of the church, keeping at his side the foundational texts of the faith, including the Four Scrolls and the teachings of the Church.


    From Canon Law:


    "The Holy Scrolls, comprising the Virtue of Horen; the Spirit of Owyn; the Gospel of Godfrey; and the Auspice of Sigismund are the foundation of all law and morality." - Title I, Chapter 1, Section 1


    "The Exalted are Horen, Owyn, Godfrey, and Sigismund." - Title IV, Chapter 2, Section 2


    From the Catechism of the Canonist Church:


    "The Exalted are the four prophets of Canonism, who are the fulfillment of a promise by God to humanity in the first days. Horen was the first human, who sired three sons by his wife Julia. These three sons failed in their assigned tasks in certain ways which led to the spread of sin and strife. Merciful God, however, promised Horen that he would sire three “sons of spirit”, who would repair the damage done by his three sons of flesh. These sons were the Exalted Owyn, Exalted Godfrey, and Exalted Siegmund." - Who are the Exalted?


    From the Dogma and Principles of the Church:


    "God has delivered four Scrolls of the countless Holy Scrolls, known as the Canon, through four exalted prophets; Horen I, Owyn I, Godfrey I, and Siegmund I."


    "Horen received the Scroll of Virtue, which illustrates the nature of God and his commandments.

    Owyn received the Scroll of Spirit, which illustrates the falsehoods of the infidel faiths.

    Godfrey received the Scroll of Gospel, which illustrates the canonical past of the Faith's prophets.

    Siegmund received the Scroll of Auspice, which illustrates the canonical futures in revelation.


    The Church of the Canon holds these four Scrolls as divinely writ and most holy, with secondary flawed texts consisting of holy works by saints and theologians. They believe no more scrolls shall be revealed until all creation has been redeemed."






    Father Alexios squinted at the parchment with the various documents attached.

    "Malaka. He got me."

  10. On 10/25/2023 at 6:31 PM, yopplwasupxxx said:

    “Denial of Sigismund’s prophethood is a grevious heresy, and ond seemingly popular among those lacking in rigorous theological education. May your work help give those righteous understanding in the life and apotheosis of one our great Exalted of Revelations.” says Amleth van der Grendok


    Father Alexios, having been epicly pwned on the forums, prayed deeply for the man regardless.

  11. Father Alexios finished his work of re-consecrating the Church.

    The Brazier's fragments were gathered to be disposed of or reforged.

    The foul blood cleaned away and the corpse buried.

    Incense now rose as a sacrifice of praise and cleared away the stench of the Unholy from the edifice.


    He had ordered the Icons and the paintings taken down until the Petrans finally did something about the Scourge.


    The Akritian's eyes darkened and his brows knitted as he considered where such a godless, sodomite might hide in the Commonwealth, before he departed for his own Parish.

  12. Father Alexios, on far away Lemon Hill felt a strange sensation as he bent his neck over the Altar, studying the Holy Scrolls. The Akritian looked heavenwards for a moment as a storm pattered on the nearby stained glass and shards of lightning flashed in the gloomy dark outside. He furrowed his brows for a moment and wondered briefly about the golem he had met and their brief conversation in Flexio.


    "Hm. Justinian Belisarius, what an old, old name."

    he said simply, before he put his copy of the Scrolls away and retrieved a book on Flexio and cracked it open.


    'I had better practice, I never know when I might see it again next.'

    he thought, as he studied, utterly oblivious to unfolding events.

  13. Without a word, the Green Clad Grillmeister of Acre stole into the keep in the middle of night.

    No one questioned his presence or his entrance, for he was of them and not a stranger to the castle.

    Gawain was last spotted sprinting across the bridge over the lake at midnight, a gunny sack clanging as he stole off with several precious relics from the sack of Vienne and several kitchen utensils!


    He wept during his triumphal thievery, however, for what once was, was no longer, and could never be again.

    All that was left of his grand time in Acre was dust and echoes.

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