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Everything posted by Golwin

  1. Golwin


    **** your lore
  2. Golwin


    Merith was found by his adoptive hobbit mother Monica Bramblethorn a adventurous hobbit who was shunned in her village. She found Merith as a infant on her front step with a note attached. The note explained that the battle of The third age had claimed the lives of the infants parents after the invasion of the forest elf city Lothlórien. Merith blames the death of his parents on the isolation philosophy of his elf society. Claiming that if all races had stood together the forces of Sauron would had been pushed back before even the Third age. Merith is a passerfist who lives by nature, and not by sword. And believes that nature must be preserved and perpetuated and that all races must come together on that front.
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