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Everything posted by zero13

  1. zero13


    Changed! @Jondead
  2. zero13


    Drelas was born into the land of Athera in 1503, living in the state of Ker'nor. With his mother and father, he lived in what little comfort they could afford. While they had no wealth, the house of Enak was moderately popular with the townsfolk due to Venadi - Drelas' father - being the leading hunter of the town. He would teach Malus how to use a hunting bow from an early age, as he would be the next leading hunter once Venadi retired. That was to be, until the dreadful day a huge worm destroyed most of Athera, brutally killing Malus' town, including his parents. He was alone. From that moment on, Malus would bear a hatred for those that had not even attempted to help those in need, yet the very same that had sworn to protect them in such circumstances - the cowardly guards. The guards who ran from the chaos instead of helping the wounded. Malus swore to never heed what any of those traitors ordered him to do, even if it meant being imprisoned. Eventually, Malus made a new life for himself in Atlas. He would intimidate, deceive, and take from anyone so that he could afford another day's supplies. Atlus was not his home. He had no quarrel in causing problems for the guards and citizens he'd undoubtedly outlive. He did not care.
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